
Clarke County, IA
160.00 Acres M/L

Pacific St & 140th Ave
Murray, IA 50174

Price $624,000
Listing #14594
Eric Lonnevik


Eric Lonnevik

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.473.0278

Bryan Bergdale


Bryan Bergdale

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 712.251.8588

Property Info


Offering 160 acres m/l of diverse Clarke County farmland and recreational land. This secluded combination farm consists of 105.3 FSA tillable acres and excellent recreational opportunities with the balance of the property consisting of approximately 44 acres m/l of mature timber, four ponds, and well maintained grass waterways. There are several key stand locations throughout the timbered draws with multiple access points from the roads along the west and north. Great opportunity to own an income producing asset that is perfect for hunting, fishing, and camping trips close to the Des Moines Metro. The farm is located in Section 23 of Madison Township, on the southeast corner of 140th Avenue and Pacific Street.

Legal Description

The Northwest Quarter of Section 23, Township 73 North, Range 27 West of the 5th PM in Clarke County, IA. Exact legal description to be taken from abstract.


From Osceola, travel west on Hwy 34 approximately 6.5 miles to 150th Ave. Turn north onto 150th Ave and continue approximately 3.5 miles to Miami St. Turn west onto Miami St and continue one mile to 140th Ave. Turn north on 140th and continue 2.5 miles to Pacific St. Farm is situated on the southeast corner of 140th Ave and Pacific St.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 586828
  • Parcel Number: 05330, 05332, 05331, 05333
  • School District: Murray
  • General Area: North of Murray
  • Net Taxes: $1,206.00
  • CSR2: 26.50
  • Water: No
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Additional Info

Farm Program:
Corn - 33.13 base acres with a PLC Yield of 105
Beans - 28.81 base acres with a PLC Yield of 35
Farm is enrolled in ARC-CO. Farm does not contain a wetland.

Interactive Map

Use the Interactive Map to explore the property's regional location. Zoom in and out to see the property's surroundings and toggle various mapping layers on and off in the Map Layer Menu.


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