
Wayne County, IA
160.00 Acres M/L

105th Street
Allerton, IA 50008

Price $535,000
Listing #14431
Jared Chambers, CAI


Jared Chambers, CAI

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 641.414.0234

Property Info


Excellent Return on Investment Farm! Peoples Company is proud to offer 160 acres m/l of Wayne County farmland located just a few miles south of Allerton, Iowa. This farmland is approximately 82% tillable and carries an average CSR2 of 42.7 across the tillable soils. Currently, there are 61.2 acres being farmed in a corn/bean no-till rotation along with 77.84 acres enrolled into a CP1 CRP program. The CRP payment is $179.68 per acre and expires in 2026. The seller would be interested in doing a lease-back on the tillable acres at $180 per acre for crop year 2020 and 2021. At $180 per tillable acre cash rent this farm shows a 4.7% gross ROI.

With the middle fork of Medicine Creek cutting across the northeast corner of this farm there is an abundance of recreational opportunities throughout this farm, from deer hunting to bird hunting and more.

Contact Peoples Company agent and auctioneer Jared Chambers for more information.

Legal Description

The South ½ of the NW ¼ and the North ½ of the SW ¼ of Section 27, T-68-N, R-22-W, Wayne County, Iowa. Exact legal description will come from the abstract.


139.07 estimated FSA Cropland Acres – subject to reconstitution. Please reference the FSA 156 in attachments.

61.2 acres currently tillable in a corn/bean no-till rotation.The seller would be interested in doing a lease-back on the tillable acres at $180 per acre for crop year 2020 and 2021. Please reference the Conservation Plan in attachments.

77.84 acres of CP1 – CRP contract paying $179.68 per acre or $13,986.29 annually, expiring in 2026. Please reference the CRP contract in attachments.

At $180 per tillable acre cash rent this farm shows a 4.7% gross ROI.


From Allerton, Iowa travel south on County Highway S26 approximately 2 miles to Garden Road. Travel west along Garden Road for approximately 1 mile to 105th Street. Turn south on 105th Street and the farm will be ½ mile to the south along the west side of 105th Street. Watch for Peoples Company signs.

Or, if traveling along County Highway S22 between Allerton and Clio, turn east onto Fillmore Road and travel east to 105th Street and turn north. The farm will begin ¼ mile north along 105th Street on the west side of the road. Watch for Peoples Company signs.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 576340
  • Parcel Number: 00Q27100003, 100Q27100004, 100Q27300001, & 100Q27300002
  • School District: Wayne Community
  • Net Taxes: $2,010.00
  • CSR2: 42.70
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Interactive Map

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