Clarke County, IA
240.00 Acres M/L
Liberty Hwy - Kendall St
Osceola, IA 50213
Price | $1,070,000 |
Listing | #14322 |

Property Info
Legal Description
- MLS Number: 570044
- Parcel Number: 07815, 07816, 07817, 07818, 07819, 07820
- School District: Clarke
- Net Taxes: $3,540.00
- CSR2: 56.20
- Zoning: Agricultural
Additional Info
Farm Program Information:
Corn - 157.1 base acres with a PLC Yield of 94
Soybeans - 0.4 base acres with a PLC Yield of 31
Oats - 7.1 base acres with a PLC Yield of 44
Farm is enrolled in ARC-CO. Property does not contain a wetland
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