
Worth County, IA
50.00 Acres M/L

Co Rd A38 & Yarrow Ave
Grafton, IA 50440

Price $415,000
Listing #14186
Bryan Bergdale


Bryan Bergdale

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 712.251.8588

Property Info


Offering 50 acres m/l of high quality Worth County farmland in a strong area north of Grafton. Farm consists of 42.17 FSA tillable acres carrying an outstanding 92.1 CSR2. Soil types include Maxfield, Franklin, and Klinger. Located in the Northeast Quarter of Section 26 of Barton Township, this farm can be accessed from both Co Rd A38 / 420th St and Yarrow Ave. 


Corn Base - 31.65 Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 178
Soybean Base - 10.52 Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 56
Farm is enrolled in ARC-CO. Wetland determination has not been completed.


From Grafton, travel east on Co Rd A39 / 390th St approximately one mile to Yarrow Ave. Turn north onto Yarrow Ave and continue approximately 2.75 miles. Farm is situated on the west side of Yarrow Ave (on the southwest corner of the intersection of Yarrow Ave and Co Rd A38 / 420th St).

  • General Area: North of Grafton, Iowa
  • Net Taxes: $1,544.00
  • CSR2: 92.00
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Additional Info

All offers must be contingent upon the Seller successfully identifying a replacement property and the Buyer willing to cooperate with Seller to execute a Section 1031 Exchange.

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