Bon Homme County, SD
2841.00 Acres M/L

406th Ave & Stone House Rd
Avon, SD 57315

Price $8,949,150
Listing #13905
Bryan Bergdale


Bryan Bergdale

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 712.251.8588

Property Info


The Peterson Ranch at Avon is an incredibly diverse combination of tillable farmland, quality pasture, and mature timber draws located in Bon Homme and Charles Mix Counties in southeast South Dakota. The property totals 2,841 acres m/l consisting of 1,130.77 FSA cropland acres of which approximately 566.84 m/l are currently in crop production (Productivity Index of 67.8). The remaining of FSA cropland acres are presently in pasture/hay. The remaining balance of the property consists of an additional 1647.77 m/l acres of pastureland for a total of 2,211.7 acres m/l of high quality pasture with well-maintained fences, multiple water sources including 10 spring fed ponds and a creek, with an approximate carrying capacity of 550 head. The farm offers excellent recreational opportunities with abundant world class whitetail and mule deer, turkey, pheasant and waterfowl hunting. Mature timber stands fill three large draws with several key stand locations and multiple access points from all sides. In addition, the property includes a 1,678 sq. ft. home with rural water along with a 500 sq. ft. secluded cabin. Other improvements include grain bins, concrete silage pit, an older stone home, and several outbuildings with working cattle facilities including large pens and concrete fence line bunks. Pipeline and tanks have been installed in the pasture, including 8 water tanks. Rare opportunity to own a large, contiguous, diverse ranch just minutes from Avon, South Dakota.

Historical Fact: Colonel David L. Wickens owned the ranch for a number of years in the 1900s. Wickens was a veteran of World Wars I and II and retired from the US Air Force as a Lt. Colonel with the Army Commendation Medal. After receiving doctorate degrees from University of Chicago, he was an economist for the US Department of Agriculture. Wickens also served in the South Dakota State Senate, taught economics at American University, and started the Farms Co-op in Avon, SD. 

The "Military Road" that went from Sioux City to Fort Randall, completed between 1856-1861, passed through the Peterson Ranch from east to west, crossing Choteau Creek at what was called the Brownsville Crossing. It was the first guarded road past Sioux City along the Missouri River. Custer and his Seventh Calvary passed though in 1873. Wheel tracks from the trail are still visible on the ranch, and a neighboring hollowed rock lookout post provide glimpses to the past.

Legal Description

2,841 acres m/l located in Bon Homme County and Charles Mix County, South Dakota. Full legal description on file. Contact Agent.


DCP Cropland Acres:  1,130.77
Total Base Acres: 537.6
Oat Base Acres: 12.7 with a PLC Yield of 54
Corn Base Acres: 519.7 with a PLC Yield of 88
Sorghum Base Acres: 1.5 with a PLC Yield of 56
Soybean Base Acres: 3.7 with a PLC Yield of 28


From Avon, head south on Jefferson Road approximately 1/2 mile. Turn west onto 303rd Street and continue 1/2 mile. Turn south onto 406th Avenue. Farm is located on the west side of the road.

  • School District: Avon School District
  • General Area: Southwest of Avon, SD
  • Net Taxes: $30,116.00
  • Water: Rural
  • Zoning: Ag


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