Land Management

Carbon Credits

CIBO and Peoples Company Partnership

In 2021, CIBO and Peoples Company joined forces to offer carbon credits, making Peoples Company the first land management company to do so. Under the partnership, for the first time, growers and owners will be eligible to receive immediate incentive payments against expected future sales of carbon credits.

CIBO uses ecosystem simulation and modeling to quantify the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration and uses advanced computer vision to verify practices. Covered practices currently include nitrogen application, tillage, irrigation, cash-crop identification, and cover-crop emergence. CIBO Impact allows Peoples Company to have insights for individual fields and manage and monitor entire portfolios in one place: yield predictions, in-field variability, historical and current management practices, carbon credits, and Regenerative Potential.

Peoples Company Land Managers examine each individual farmer and landowner on a case-by-case basis when it comes to carbon credits. Numerous factors are considered before any decisions are made, and practices and implementations vary by farm and landowner.


Compensation for Conservation

Emerging carbon markets will serve as the financial vehicle to pay landowners and farmers for their commitment to carbon stewardship. In the past, participation in these markets was limited, due to high costs, inadequate protocols to measure soil carbon, and limited knowledge of best farming practices. But as more companies pledge to curb carbon emissions and go carbon neutral, the new Biden climate policy features soil carbon sinks and new USDA Secretary Vilsack advocates Soil Carbon Banks.

The idea to encourage climate-smart farming with financial, legal, and structural incentives is becoming major policy, and a regenerative agriculture movement is firing up landowners and farmers. Seeking innovative ways to capture conservation financing on managed ground is not new for Peoples Company.

Regenerative management decisions are made annually by landowners and farmers, and create real, permanent reductions in greenhouse gas emission and sequestration of atmospheric carbon within our soil systems. Covered practices include nitrogen application, tillage, irrigation, cash-crop identification, and cover-crop emergence.

Various organizations exist to authenticate the amount of carbon sequestered and facilitate the sale of the accrued carbon credits. Peoples Company has a good relationship with these organizations and can make the entire process smooth for both the landowner and the farm operator.

What are Carbon Credits?

Carbon credits are incentives for companies and businesses to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, and one carbon credit typically represents one metric ton of carbon dioxide, the more prevalent greenhouse gas. A carbon credit itself is a tradeable certificate representing the right to emit one metric ton of carbon dioxide or the equivalent amount of another greenhouse gas.

At the farm level, carbon credits are aimed to reduce carbon emissions through the trade of carbon units sequestered. Carbon sequestration is the process of capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide and there are two main types: geologic and biologic. Geologic sequestration stores the carbon in underground rock formations, and biologic sequestration stores the carbon in plants, trees, soils, and aquatic environments. For farmers and landowners, the biologic carbon sequestration is more applicable.

For agriculture-related carbon credits, farms and landowners can increase the storage of carbon in the soil, rather than the air, through improved forest, grassland, and cropland practices. To enhance the biological sequestration of carbon, farms can implement tillage practices, crop rotations, conversion of acreage to grasslands, and afforestation: the planting of trees or seeds to change open land into forest or woodland, to enhance the biologic sequestration and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released into the air.

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