Eric Geiger, AFM, AAC
Office: 402.334.0256
Mobile: 308.325.3604
Eric entered the farm management role in 2008 after coming from a diversified farming operation in Central Nebraska. Eric attended the University of Nebraska at Kearney and graduated with a degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Real Estate. While attending college, he rented some land and started his farming practice. Upon returning to the farm, he continued his farm and engaged in the management of the family farming business. Through his 20-year time as an ag producer, he learned more about mechanical and electrical systems, along with all the parts involved, with this knowledge, he modified, built, and repaired much of the equipment used on the farm. The farms used both surface and groundwater irrigation, this provided extensive knowledge of the laws and systems that make irrigation work in agriculture. During his time in farming, Eric was in charge of the entire operation, from the start of fertilizer in the spring to harvest in the fall. Harvest was the most challenging, it involved the most moving systems of any part of farming. Har- vest is a logistics balancing act of keeping a combine moving while taking grain to multiple loca- tions. Each fall, keeping one combine, 2 grain carts, 4 semis and 4 storage facilities functioning in harmony on 4,000 acres takes spatial awareness to the highest level. As a farm manager, Eric uses his experiences to identify and solve situations that arise on managed farms, knowing what to look for in both the physical and financial parts of the farm helps create a plan for the landowner to move forward. Eric continues to refine his financial skills by keeping up with costs associated in agriculture and helping create clear budgets for clients to achieve their goals. He is a member of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, (ASFMRA) through his affiliation with the society, he has earned his Accredited Farm Manager (AFM) and Accredited Agricultural Consultant (AAC) designations. Through both programs, Eric developed better evaluation and com- munication skills for stronger relationships with clients and customers. Eric learned that every op- eration, no matter how big or small is an orchestrated system that needs to be done as efficiently as possible. As a manager with a well diverse background, he is always looking for the next im- provement on any farm, no matter how big or small.
University of Nebraska, B.S. Business Administration with an emphasis in Real Estate, 1991, Kearney, Nebraska
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
Nebraska - #20070274 Expires 12/31/2025
Iowa - #S63261000 Expires 12/31/2025
Kansas - #00245411 Expires 01/01/2027
Oklahoma - #201749 Expires 07/31/2027
South Dakota - #19860 Expires 01/01/2026
Colorado - #FA.100104486 Expires 12/31/2027
Nebraska - #20070274 Expires 12/31/2025
Iowa - #S63261000 Expires 12/31/2025
Kansas - #00245411 Expires 01/01/2027
Oklahoma - #201749 Expires 07/31/2027
South Dakota - #19860 Expires 01/01/2026
Colorado - #FA.100104486 Expires 12/31/2027
- Licensed Real Estate Salesperson in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota, & Oklahoma
- Accredited Farm Manager and the Accredited Agricultural Consultant
- Board Member, Thirty-Mile Canal Irrigation Ditch
- Member and Past President, Nebraska Cattlemen’s Association, Dawson County Chapter
- Member, Construction Committee, Habitat for Humanity
- Member, Toastmasters