
Yakima County, WA
143.46 Acres M/L

11280 Branch Rd
Harrah, WA 98933

Price $1,100,000
Listing #16412
Braydon Rudolph


Braydon Rudolph

Office: 509.876.8633
Mobile: 541.379.8699

Property Info


Located in the diverse Yakima Valley, this irrigated farm asset is comprised of 143.46 +/- deeded acres near Harrah, Washington in Central Washington State. This agricultural community produces over forty commercial crops due to ample water and rich soils throughout the region!

There are 132.55 +/- tillable acres per the Yakima County Farm Service Agency. The farm is currently leased to a neighboring farmer under a cash rent agreement through March 31, 2023. Under this lease, the landlord receives a set dollar amount per year for all of the tillable acres. The farm was most recently planted to a 2022 crop of dill, but the property has a crop history of many different crops over the years including Alfalfa hay and grass seed.

The primary source for irrigation is via both A & B senior water rights from the Wapato Irrigation Project (WIP). Irrigation water is delivered to customers via a series of canals and is pumped via a farm-owned pumping station to wheel lines and handlines to the fields.

There is a farmstead, including a home and various utility buildings, included with the sale. The Yakima County Assessor reports that the 2,100 square foot home was built in 1930 and has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. There is also a 5,760 square foot hay cover, that is currently used to store farm equipment, that was constructed in 2009.

Per the Yakima County Planning Division, the property is zoned ‘Agricultural’ with a 40-acre minimum parcel size.

The property is accessed via paved, county-maintained roads.

For more information and to request the full information package, please contact Braydon Rudolph: 541-379-8699 or

  • Parcel Number: 181131-11010 & 181131-13001
  • General Area: Washington State
  • Gross Taxes: $4,787.96
  • Water: Wapato Irrigation Project
  • Zoning: Agricultural


Click the "play" button below to watch an aerial drone video of this property.


Listing Photo: Aerial of Cropland Listing Photo: Back of House Listing Photo: Hay Shed Listing Photo: Aerial of Cropland Listing Photo: Bedroom Listing Photo: Front of House