
Wilkin County, MN
188.48 Acres M/L

Highway 30 and T-276
Rothsay, MN 56579

Listing #16482
Lindsey Brown


Lindsey Brown

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 701.371.5538

Property Info


Peoples Company is proud to offer 188.48 acres m/l of farmland in Wilkin County, MN. This land is available to be farmed in the 2023 crop year! Tract 1 features 148.48 deeded acres with 133.78 tillable acres m/l with a productivity index of 83.7. The primary soils are Grimstad fine sandy loam, Hokans-Buse complex, Balaton-Hamerly complex, Gilby loam, and Foldahl loamy fine sand. The diversity in these soils makes suitable growing conditions for sugar beets, corn, soybeans, and small grains. There are also 14.7 acres enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program under two separate contracts. The first contract is on 10.28 acres and pays $205.29 per acre ($2,110 annually) and expires on 9-30-2031. The second contract is on 4.42 acres and pays $214.02 per acre ($946 annually) and expires on 9-30-2031.

Tract 2 features 40 deeded acres with 37.48 tillable acres m/l with a productivity index of 72.6. The primary soils are Rothsay-Zell silt loams, Zell-Rothsay silt loams, Lohnes loamy sand, and Swenoda fine sandy loam. These soils are suitable to grow soybeans, corn, small grains, and alfalfa. This parcel is adjacent to a paved county road and could be a great building site for someone looking for privacy.

There are several grain marketing options available with grain elevators in Rothsay, Barnesville, or Sabin, MN. These tracts would be a great add-on to an existing farming operation or a great investment to add to your land portfolio.

Legal Description

Exact legal description will be taken from Abstract or Title Work.

NW1/4, Excluding 11.52 acre farmstead, in 34-136-45 in Wilkin county, MN (148.48 acres)

NE1/4 SE1/4 in 3-136-45 in Wilkin County, MN (40 acres)


Tract 1: From Barnesville, MN at the intersection of Highway 52 and Main Ave E, drive south on Highway 52 for 7.2 miles to County Highway 30 (150th St.). Turn left onto Highway 30 and drive east for one mile to 310th Ave. This will put you at the NW corner of the property. There are no signs posted on the property.

Tract 2: From Barnesville, MN at the intersection of Highway 9 and Highway 34, drive east on Highway 34 for 4 miles to Highway 31 (230th St S) then turn right onto Highway 31 and drive south for 2.7 miles. You will be at the NE corner of the property.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • Parcel Number: 18-034-0200 & 18-003-0700
  • School District: Barnesville
  • General Area: Rothsay - Barnesville, MN
  • Net Taxes: $2,352.00
  • Water: NA
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Interactive Map

Use the Interactive Map to explore the property's regional location. Zoom in and out to see the property's surroundings and toggle various mapping layers on and off in the Map Layer Menu.


Tract 1 - Highway 30 & County Road T-276, Rothsay, MN 56579

Tract 1


This land is available to be farmed in the 2023 crop year!! Tract 1 features 148.48 deeded acres with 133.78 tillable acres m/l with a productivity index of 83.7. The primary soils are Grimstad fine sandy loam, Hokans-Buse complex, Balaton-Hamerly complex, Gilby loam, and Foldahl loamy fine sand. The diversity in these soils makes suitable growing conditions for sugar beets, corn, soybeans, and small grains. There are also 14.7 acres enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program under two separate contracts. The first contract is on 10.28 acres and pays $205.29 per acre ($2,110 annually) and expires on 9-30-2031. The second contract is on 4.42 acres and pays $214.02 per acre ($946 annually) and expires on 9-30-2031.

There are several grain marketing options available with grain elevators in Rothsay, Barnesville, or Sabin, MN.

Legal Description

W1/4, Excluding 11.52 acre farmstead, in 34-136-45 in Wilkin county, MN (148.48 acres). Exact legal description will be taken from Abstract or Title Work.


  • Acres: 148.48 Acres M/L
  • Parcel Number: 18-034-0200
  • Net Taxes: $1,914.00
  • Productivity Index: 83.7


Tract 1:  From Barnesville, MN at the intersection of Highway 52 and Main Ave E, drive south on Highway 52 for 7.2 miles to County Highway 30 (150th St.). Turn left onto Highway 30 and drive east for one mile to 310th Ave. This will put you at the NW corner of the property. There are no signs posted on the property.

Tract 2 - Highway 19 and Highway 32, Rothsay, MN 56579

Tract 2


This land is available to be farmed in the 2023 crop year!! 

Tract 2 features 40 deeded acres with 37.48 tillable acres m/l with a productivity index of 72.6. The primary soils are Rothsay-Zell silt loams, Zell-Rothsay silt loams, Lohnes loamy sand and Swenoda fine sandy loam. These soils are suitable to grow soybeans, corn, small grains, and alfalfa. This parcel is adjacent to a paved county road and could be a great building site for someone looking for privacy.

There are several grain marketing options available with grain elevators in Rothsay, Barnesville, or Sabin, MN. These tracts would be a great add-on to an existing farming operation or a great investment to add to your land portfolio.

Legal Description

NE1/4 SE1/4 in 3-136-45 in Wilkin County, MN (40 acres). Exact legal description will be taken from Abstract or Title Work.


  • Acres: 40.00 Acres M/L
  • Parcel Number: 18-003-0700
  • Net Taxes: $438.00
  • Productivity Index: 72.6


Tract 2:  From Barnesville, MN at the intersection of Highway 9 and Highway 34, drive east on Highway 34 for 4 miles to Highway 31 (230th St S) then turn right onto Highway 31 and drive south for 2.7 miles. You will be at the NE corner of the property.


Listing Photo: Tract 2 - SE corner looking West-2.jpg Listing Photo: Tract 2 - NE corner  looking SW-1.jpg Listing Photo: Tract 1 - NE corner looking West-1.jpg Listing Photo: Tract 1 - NW corner looking South-3.jpg Listing Photo: Google Far - Both Tracts-0.jpg Listing Photo: Tract 1 - NE corner looking SW-0.jpg Listing Photo: Tract 2 - East side looking West-0.jpg Listing Photo: auctions-land-wilkin-county-minnesota-188-acres-listing-number-16482-Google Close - Both Tracts-0.jpg Listing Photo: Tract 2 - SW corner looking NE-3.jpg Listing Photo: Tract 1 - NW corner looking SE-2.jpg

Tract 1 Photos

Tract 1
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Tract 1

Tract 2 Photos

Tract 2
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