
Weakley County, TN
152.00 Acres M/L

1248 Billingsby Road
Martin, TN 38382

Price $532,000
Listing #16564
Joel King, ALC, CAI


Joel King, ALC, CAI

Office: 870.275.6249
Mobile: 870.847.0945

Property Info


The Delta office for Peoples Company is excited to bring 152 acres located in northwest Tennessee on the south shore of the North Fork of the Obion River. The farm consists of pasture, woods, and tillable farmland. This tract also sits alongside BIllingsby Rd just east of the community of Campground and near Martin, TN. The soil types are largely made up of Rosebloom and Falaya silt loam. The land has versatility for corn, small grains, soybeans, and cotton carrying an overall NCCPI of 47.8. Although the tillable acres are currently leased through 2023, this tract offers opportunities for hunting, poultry finishing, building a home, or a combination of these. With limited large tracts in the NW part of TN this is a must-see. Give us a call to secure this farm for your future plans.

Legal Description

Tract one:  Beginning at a stake the SW corner of the tract of land owned by J.V. Quarles and G.M. Hatler, and runs thence South, with the East line of the tracts of Arthur Hester and W.D. Essery, 220 poles to a stake, C.M. Garrigus NW corner; thence East with said Garrigus' and with G.M. Hatler's West line 220 poles to a stake at the SE corner of the J.V. Quarles and Hatler's tracts thence West with Quarles and Hatler's tracts; thence West with Quarles and Hatler's South line 48-4/11 poles to the Beginning containing 66 1/2 acres; more or less.

Tract two: Beginning at Brundige's NE corner thence West 159 poles to the East line of Stake Bank Lands; thence North 226 poles to a stake; thence East 49 poles to a stake; thence South 36 poles; thence East 100 poles; thence South 90 poles to a stake at the beginning, containing 130 acres; more or less.  Legal description is taken from prior deed.


From Martin TN, head north on S Lindell St toward Oxford St, turn right onto Hyndsver Rd, turn left to stay on Hyndsver Rd, turn right to stay on Hyndsver Rd, turn left onto Weakley Rd.  Turn right onto Billingsby Road.

  • MLS Number: 10102968
  • Parcel Number: 9204900100
  • School District: Martin
  • General Area: Western Tennessee
  • Zoning: AG

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