Warren County, IA
36.13 Acres M/L
Keokuk St.
Prole, IA 50229
Price | $469,690 |
Listing | #15932 |

Keaton Dreher
Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.650.1276
Property Info
Legal Description
- Sign On Property: Yes
- MLS Number: 642872
- School District: Martensdale - St. Marys
- General Area: Prole
- Net Taxes: $759.00
- CSR2: 64.40
- Lot Size: 1,573,662 SF
- Water: Rural
- Zoning: Agriculture
Additional Info
Additional land is available, contact the listing agent for more information. All information, regardless of source, is deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be independently verified. The information may not be used for any purpose other than to identify and analyze properties and services. The data contained herein is copyrighted by Peoples Company and is protected by all applicable copyright laws. Any dissemination of this information is in violation of copyright laws and is strictly prohibited.
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