Warren County, IA
27.00 Acres M/L
NE 45th Street
Carlisle, IA 50047
Price | $250,068 |
Listing | #15624 |

Property Info
Legal Description
- MLS Number: 633321
- Parcel Number: Portion of 01000010204
- School District: Carlisle
- General Area: Carlisle
- Net Taxes: $856.00
- CSR2: 92.10
- Zoning: Agricultural
Additional Info
Additional land could be purchased in conjunction with this tract - please see Peoples Company listings #15623, #15625, #15626 and #15627.
*Roads beyond the gates are closed off to the public and only accessible by the landowners beyond them. Listing agent will need to be present to grant access beyond the gates.*
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