
Warren County, IA
147.17 Acres M/L

Tyler Street/Highway G76
Lacona, IA 50139

Price $993,398
Listing #16584
Jake Sickels


Jake Sickels

Office: 515.961.0247
Mobile: 515.681.2103

John Hutchcroft


John Hutchcroft

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.321.5970

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to represent the heirs of the Herbert and Ida Ripperger Family Trust with their sale of farmland located just east of Lacona in Warren County, Iowa. Over the course of decades, the Ripperger Family has been phenomenal stewards and left no stone unturned to maintain and take care of their land. A new owner is sure to appreciate the turnkey nature of these farms and all of the family efforts over the years.

This offering consists of 147.17 acres m/l with attributes including well manicured CRP acres, two ponds, timbered draws, and exceptional building site locations overlooking miles of Warren County countryside. The previous owner entered into two CRP contracts on this tract expiring in 2023 and 2032, totaling 121.49 acres with a combined annual payment of $26,372.19 (these figures are subject to slight change after reconstitution by the Warren County FSA and NRCS offices). The CRP was introduced to this farm with the idea of creating better habitat for wildlife through the planting of several native and introduced grasses and legumes. There are 130.87 FSA tillable acres that carry a CSR2 of 69.9 and consist of excellent soil types for this area - giving this farm the potential to be row cropped in the future.

This property is located within Southeast Warren School District and features Warren Rural Water and electric at the road and readily available to the site. The farm can be accessed from the north off of Tyler Street in addition to Highway G76 to the south. There are established entrances on this property and trails providing ease of access to the entire farm. Multiple building site locations on this tract allow a new owner to build a home, shop, hunting cabin, etc. The timbered draws and bushy CRP cover has made this farm a large producer of a healthy population of pheasant and quail. This area is widely known for its ability to produce and hold mature whitetails in addition to a very large turkey population.

Please contact one of the listing agents today for more information regarding this excellent opportunity!

Legal Description

147.17 Acres M/L in Section 23 of White Breast Township in Warren County, Iowa. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.


111.09 Acres are enrolled into CRP CP-1 through 2032 with an annual payment of $24,093.19 ($216.88/acre)

10.40 Acres are enrolled into CRP CP-2 through 2023 with an annual payment of $2,279.00 ($219.12/acre)


From Lacona, Iowa: Head north out of town on Highway S23 for 0.5 miles. Turn right onto Tyler Street and travel east for 0.25 miles. The property will be on the south side of Tyler Street.



  • MLS Number: 665330
  • Parcel Number: 29000230441, 29000230421, 29000230460, 29000230480, 29000230621
  • School District: Southeast Warren
  • General Area: Lacona
  • Net Taxes: $2,618.00
  • CSR2: 69.90
  • Water: Rural
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Additional Info

*All utility information should be verified independently with utility providers and Warren County.

Interactive Map

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