
Walla Walla County, WA
3292.85 Acres M/L

451 Hair Road
Prescott, WA 99348

Price $2,300,000
Listing #15224
Adam Woiblet


Adam Woiblet

Office: 509.876.8633
Mobile: 509.520.6117

Property Info


We have available for acquisition a large, dryland CRP farm with two years left on the current CRP contract. This family-owned, dryland CRP farm lies approximately 18 miles Northwest of Prescott, Washington, in South-Central Washington State. The physical address of the farm is 451 Hair Road, Prescott, WA 99348.

This asset consists of eleven tax parcels, and per the Walla Walla County Assessor, there are 3292.85 +/- total deeded acres. The Walla Walla County Farm Service Agency shows 2806.93 acres as tillable cropland with all 2806.93 of those acres under current CRP contracts through September 30, 2022, with an annual payment of $170,767.00.

Elevation of the property runs from approximately 1000 feet to 1500 feet, and annual rainfall for this area averages ten to eleven inches per year, per the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Soils on the property are primarily made up of Ritzville Silt Loam with 8% to 30% slopes throughout. There are no irrigation water rights located on the property or included in the sale.

Per the Walla Walla County Planning Department, the zoning of the property is Primary AG with a 40-acre minimum parcel size. There is an old farmstead, including a house and miscellaneous outbuildings on the property included with the sale; however, the current house may not be considered livable without upgrades. A new home could be built atop one of the many ridges or on the current homestead site, subject to Walla Walla County's approval. The property offers panoramic views of the surrounding area and the Blue Mountains to the east, and wildlife abounds on the property, including deer and different species of game birds.

The property is accessed via paved and gravel, county-maintained roads.

For more information and to request the full information package, please contact Adam C Woiblet: 509-520-6117 or

Legal Description

Contact Agent

  • General Area: South-Central Washington State
  • Gross Taxes: $8,751.69
  • Water: There are no irrigation water rights included in this sale.
  • Zoning: Primary AG

Interactive Map

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