
Stutsman County, ND
311.82 Acres M/L

50th St SE & 63rd Ave SE
Gackle, ND 58442

Price $527,250
Listing #15116
Lindsey Brown


Lindsey Brown

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 701.371.5538

Property Info


Offering 311.82 m/l acres of productive Stutsman County farmland. This tract has 215 Cropland Acres more or less, carrying a Productivity Index of 59.6. Primary soil types include Zahl-Williams loams, Zahl-Williams-Zahill complex, and Tansem-Makoti complex. This farm is located northeast of Gackle, North Dakota in Section 16 of Griffin Township.

Legal Description

NE 1/4 less Highway and SE 1/4 less Highway in 16-137-67 Stutsman County, ND. Exact Legal Description to be taken from the Abstract.


From Gackle, ND at the Cenex station, drive east on Hwy 46 for .4 miles to 63rd Ave SE then turn left and drive north for 3 miles. This will put you at the SE corner of the property. Watch for the Peoples Company signs. The land is on the east and west sides of the highway. The majority of the cropland is on the west side of the highway.

Reserved Items

The seller would like to retain a two to three acre building site.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • Parcel Number: 23-1610000 & 23-1640000
  • Net Taxes: $1,755.76
  • Zoning: 0

Interactive Map

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Click the "play" button below to watch an aerial drone video of this property.


Listing Photo: stutsman-county-north-dakota-312-acres-listing-number-15116-3-2020-08-12-141907.JPG Listing Photo: stutsman-county-north-dakota-312-acres-listing-number-15116-1-2020-08-12-141905.JPG Listing Photo: stutsman-county-north-dakota-312-acres-listing-number-15116-2-2020-08-12-141906.JPG Listing Photo: land-stutsman-county-north-dakota-312-acres-listing-number-15116-0-2020-08-12-194933.jpg Listing Photo: land-stutsman-county-north-dakota-312-acres-listing-number-15116-1-2020-08-12-194934.jpg Listing Photo: stutsman-county-north-dakota-312-acres-listing-number-15116-4-2020-08-12-141908.JPG Listing Photo: stutsman-county-north-dakota-312-acres-listing-number-15116-0-2020-08-12-141904.JPG