
Story County, IA
80.00 Acres M/L

120th Street
Zearing, IA 50278

Price $940,000
Listing #15620
Daran Becker


Daran Becker

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.979.3498

Property Info


Offering 80 acres of high quality farmland located just north of Zearing in Story County, Iowa. The 75.2 cropland acres carry a CSR2 of 87.2. There are 71.1 acres currently in row crops and 4.1 acres in 2 CRP contracts as follows: 1.9 acres at $350.40 per acre until 2029 and 2.2 acres at $188.75 per acre until 2022, for an annual payment of $1,043.26.  The farm is open for 2022 crop year. This property is listed subject to the buyer completing a 1031 exchange.

Legal Description

The East Half (E 1/2) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) all in Section Nine (9) Township Eighty-Five (85) North Range Twenty-one (21) West. Exact legal description will be taken from the Abstract.


FSA CropLand: 75.2 acres
Effective DCP Cropland: 71.1
Corn: 47.2 base acres with a PLC yield of 150
Soybeans: 23.9 base acres with a PLC yield of 46

Total CRP: 4.1 acres paying approximately $1,043.26 annually.
1.9 acres at $350.40 per acre ending in 2029.
2.2 acres at $188.75 per acre ending in 2022.


From Nevada, IA take Highway 30 east for approximately 7 miles to Highway 65. Go north on Highway 65 for approximately 12 miles and turn east onto 120th St. The farm is 3/4 of a mile down 120th St. on the north side of the road.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 633077
  • Parcel Number: 0409400400, 0409400200
  • School District: Colo-Nesco
  • General Area: Zearing
  • Net Taxes: $1,832.00
  • CSR2: 87.20
  • Zoning: Ag

Interactive Map

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