
Rock County, WI
50.30 Acres M/L

16208 W Beloit Newark Road
Brodhead, WI 53520

Price $327,000
Listing #16122
Adam Crist


Adam Crist

Office: 608.482.1229
Mobile: 608.482.1229

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to present 50.30 acres m/l in Rock County, Wisconsin. Located five miles south of Brodhead, Wisconsin, and just one mile east of the Green/Rock County line. The farm consists of 43.16 FSA-certified cropland acres with Marshan Loam and Billet Sandy Loam being the primary soils types. The row crop lease on this farm runs through the 2023 growing season and brings in a handsome income of nearly $8,000 yearly. The current tenant has been operating this farm since 2004 and would be willing to continue leasing the property. This property presents multiple buildings sites and exceptional hunting opportunities for the avid outdoorsman and whitetail hunter. This land would make for a great add-on unit to an existing farm operation or a premium investment-grade land purchase.

This farm is located south of Brodhead in section 16 of Avon Township in Rock County, Wisconsin.

Legal Description

Exact legal description to be taken from the Title Commitment.


From Brodhead, Wisconsin: Travel west on Highway 11 for one mile. Turn left on Highway 81, and travel four miles. Turn right onto S Avon Store Road. Turn Left onto W Beloit Newark Road. Travel 1.25 miles and look for the Peoples Company sign to your left.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 1931504
  • Parcel Number: 002 016006
  • School District: Brodhead
  • General Area: South of Brodhead
  • Net Taxes: $222.70
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Interactive Map

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