Polk County, IA
42.00 Acres M/L
SE 72nd Avenue
Carlisle, IA 50047
Price | $262,500 |
Listing | #17389 |

Property Info
Legal Description
- Sign On Property: Yes
- MLS Number: 689041
- Parcel Number: Portion of 131/00014-102-000
- School District: Carlisle Community School District
- General Area: Carlisle
- Net Taxes: $1,053.68
- CSR2: 64.00
- Water: Well
- Zoning: Agricultural
Additional Info
*This property is located within the FEMA Floodplain.
*A well easement will be drafted to allow the adjoining Carlisle Soccer Fields access to use and maintain the well that is located on the property.
*A property survey has been ordered by the Seller. The final acre amount will be updated across all marketing platforms once the survey is completed and approved by the Carlisle Planning and Zoning Department.
*A well easement will be drafted to allow the adjoining Carlisle Soccer Fields access to use and maintain the well that is located on the property.
*A property survey has been ordered by the Seller. The final acre amount will be updated across all marketing platforms once the survey is completed and approved by the Carlisle Planning and Zoning Department.
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