
Marion County, IA
36.78 Acres M/L

20th Place
Lacona, IA 50139

Price $240,500
Listing #17889
Daran Becker


Daran Becker

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.979.3498

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to offer 36.78 acres m/l of mixed-use farmland, suited for a hobby farm, hunting, or use as an excellent building site. 

Located just 5.5 miles northwest of Melcher-Dallas, Iowa, on 20th Place, this property features an estimated 20.82 FSA cropland acres with a CSR2 soil rating of 38.4. The primary soil types on the tillable acres include Bauer silt loam, Clearfield-Arispe silty clay loam, and Nodaway-Vesser silt loam.

The remaining balance of the farm includes a timber-lined creek and a well-stocked pond that is just over half an acre in size. The abundant water sources and mature timber on the property create an excellent habitat for whitetail deer and wild turkeys. 

Whether you're a buyer looking for a hobby farm, or a hunter looking for an affordable recreational farm, this property will not disappoint. Well water is available on site with electric and rural water available at the road.  An additional 80 acres is also currently listed across the road to the east. Contact the Listing Agent for more information regarding this offering. 

Legal Description

36.78 Acres M/L located in Section 19 of Franklin Township, Marion County, IA. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.


From Melcher-Dallas, Iowa: Head north out of town on County Highway S45 and travel for 0.5 miles until reaching County Road G62. Turn left (west) and travel for 1.15 miles until County Road G62 turns right. Turn right (north) and continue on G62 for 3 miles until reaching 20th Place. Turn right (north) and travel for 2.75 miles. The property will be located on your left. Look for the Peoples Company signs. 
  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 705220
  • Parcel Number: 0408900500
  • School District: Pleasantville Community School District
  • General Area: Northwest of Melcher-Dallas, Iowa
  • Net Taxes: $562.00
  • CSR2: 38.40
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Interactive Map

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Listing Photo: Drone Outline SE Listing Photo: Drone Outline NE Listing Photo: Drone Outline NW Listing Photo: Drone Outline SW Listing Photo: DJI_0586 Listing Photo: DJI_0591 Listing Photo: DJI_0594 Listing Photo: DJI_0595 Listing Photo: DJI_0637 Listing Photo: DJI_0639 Listing Photo: Google Close Farm Listing Photo: Google Far Farm