Madison County, IA
99.34 Acres M/L
Settlers Avenue
Peru, IA 50222
Price | $516,568 |
Listing | #16368 |

Property Info
Legal Description
- Sign On Property: Yes
- MLS Number: 658656
- Parcel Number: 770161860011000, 770161880020000
- School District: Interstate 35 Community School District
- General Area: Peru
- Net Taxes: $1,328.00
- CSR2: 37.00
- Zoning: Agricultural
Additional Info
The owners have equipment they would consider selling with the property - Kubota L6060 Tractor with several attachments (Woods 6' BrushHog, Woods 7' Box Blade, 6' Landscape Rake), Can Am Defender XT HD8 with trailer, Ford J201 disc harrow, 20' high cube shipping container, 20' standard shipping container. Contact agents for additional information and/or pricing regarding the equipment.
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