
Lucas County, IA
88.00 Acres M/L

210th Ave
Chariton, IA 50049

Price $289,960
Listing #14991
Adam Curran


Adam Curran

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 641.203.2931

Sara Curran


Sara Curran

Office: 515.961.0247
Mobile: 641.344.0847

Property Info


88 acres m/l located in Lucas County, Iowa just outside of Chariton city limits. This farm offers 76.59 FSA tillable acres with 67 m/l currently in a corn/soybean rotation. Farm offers endless opportunities with potential for beautiful building sights just outside of town and close to state highway 34. Farm offers gently rolling southern Iowa hills; farm was in hay and pasture for numerous years and has always been well maintained. This farm would make for a great addition to an existing operation with potential to be productive as grass, hay, or crop ground. 

Legal Description

The S½ NW¼, EXCEPT one acre in the North side of the SE¼ NW¼ described as commencing at the NE corner of the SE¼ NW¼, running thence South 3 rods, thence Northwesterly to a point on the West line of the SE¼ NW¼ 1 rod South of the NW corner thereof, thence North 1 rod, thence East to the place of beginning, and except the South 725 feet of the West 735 feet of the NW¼; and the South 22 acres of the NW¼ NW¼: all in Section 25, Township 72 North, Range 22 West of the 5th P.M. in Lucas County, Iowa. Exact Legal to be taken from Abstract.


FSA Cropland Acres:  76.59 

Corn: 26.00 Base Acres with PLC Yield of 77

Oats : 8.50 Base Acres with PLC Yield of 36

Total Base Acres = 34.50


From Chariton, Iowa travel west on highway 34 for approximately 1 mile to 210th Ave. Turn south onto 210th Ave and travel 0.2 of a mile. Property is located on the east side of the road.  

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 604712
  • Parcel Number: 0625100002, 0625100003, 0625100014
  • School District: Chariton Community School District
  • General Area: Whitebreast Township
  • Net Taxes: $1,494.00
  • CSR2: 49.20
  • Zoning: Ag

Interactive Map

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