
Lucas County, IA
80.00 Acres M/L

550th Avenue
Lucas, IA 50151

Price $384,000
Listing #15883
Jake Sickels


Jake Sickels

Office: 515.961.0247
Mobile: 515.681.2103

Property Info


Peoples Company is honored to represent the Scheve Family with their sale of 230 acres m/l in Lucas County, Iowa. These farms have been owned and hunted by the Scheve Family for nearly 50 years. The farms all feature a combination of open tillable/CRP areas, watering sources, timber draws, hardwood timber, and bedding areas - ideal habitat for trophy whitetail and turkey. These tracts are right in the heart of big whitetail country along the Otter Creek Corridor in Northern Lucas County, Iowa. The topography of these farms is a combination of rolling hills and flat bottomland acres, giving a hunter the opportunity to access the farm in smart ways to avoid blowing deer and turkey off of the farm while getting to the stand or blind. The way these farms lay also gives a pair of hunters the opportunity to hunt multiple locations at the same time. This area is known to produce high class whitetail bucks - with the proper management and practices, these farms could easily produce multiple mature deer year in and year out.

This 80 acre offering features one of the most beautiful blocks of timber you will find in Lucas County. The tract consists of a combination of hardwood timber, Otter Creek River frontage on the east end, timbered draws, building sites, and 21.70 CRP acres. The CRP acres are currently enrolled in CP38E-2 program paying $205.40 per acre or $4,457 annually through 2028. There are 24.58 FSA tillable acres, which carry a CSR2 value of 65.5, well above the Lucas County average. Primary soil types include Lawson, Zook & Ackmore silt loams. The opportunity to build on this tract is feasible with rural water availability on the northwest side of the property through Rathbun Rural Water and electric spanning the entire north boundary. This property is located in Sections 21 of Otter Creek Township in northern Lucas County, just off of Highway 65 and west of Norwood, Iowa.

Legal Description

80 Acres M/L in Sections 21 of Otter Creek Township in Lucas County, Iowa. Exact legal description to be taken from the Abstract.


From Lucas, Iowa, head north on Highway 65 for 6.1 miles. Turn left and head west on 550th Street for 0.4 miles. Continue right around the bend on 550th Street for 1 mile. The property will be on the south side of 550th Street.

From Chariton, Iowa, head west out of town on Highway 34 for 1.4 miles. Continue west on Highway 34 for 7.6 miles. Make a right hand turn and head north on Highway 65 for 6.1 miles. Turn left and head west on 550th Street for 0.4 miles. Continue right around the bend on 550th Street for 1 mile. The property will be on the south side of 550th Street.

From Indianola, Iowa, head south on Highway 65/69 for 5.3 miles. Turn right and head west on Highway 65 for 3.3 miles. Continue right and head south on Highway 65 for 12 miles. Turn right and head west on 550th Street for 0.4 miles. Continue right around the bend on 550th Street for 1 mile. The property will be on the south side of 550th Street.



  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 641589
  • Parcel Number: 0121100002, 0121200001
  • School District: Chariton
  • General Area: Lucas
  • Net Taxes: $594.00
  • CSR2: 65.50
  • Water: Rural
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Interactive Map

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