
Lucas County, IA
78.20 Acres M/L

570th Street
Lucas, IA 50151

Price $520,000
Listing #16753
Kenny Herring, ALC


Kenny Herring, ALC

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.783.8718

Adam Curran


Adam Curran

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 641.203.2931

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to present 78.2 acres m/l of prime Lucas County, Iowa income producing farmland and recreational ground. This tract is remotely located near the Warren/Lucas county line with 64.74 acres currently enrolled into CRP CP-23 with an annual payment of $15,268. This contract is set to expire in September of 2025. Cropland acres currently enrolled in CRP carry a weighted average CSR2 of 62.4. Approximately 1.84 acres in the northwest corner of the property were intentionally left out of CRP to provide a location to build a home, cabin or shop. This diverse property offers habitat of all kinds including timber, wetland areas for waterfowl, and cover for upland game through the CRP grasses as well as a small pond. This is a sneaky good hunting farm located in a densely timbered area of the county with great income! The farm is located in Section 8 of Otter Creek Township in Lucas County, Iowa.

Legal Description

The Northeast Quarter (1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (1/4) & the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (1/4) in Section 8 Township 73N Range 23 West of the 5th PM Lucas County, Iowa. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.


72.67 Cropland Acre
64.74 Acres CRP CP-23 with an annual payment of $15,268


From the intersection of Highway 34 & Highway 65 in Lucas, Iowa: Head north on Highway 65 for approximately 7 miles. Turn left/west onto 560th Street and continue for 2.8 miles. Turn right/north onto 110th Street and continue 1 mile. Turn right/east onto level B 570th Street and continue 0.25 mile, the property entrance is located on your right or the south side of the road.





  • MLS Number: 670486
  • Parcel Number: 0108100002, 0108100004
  • School District: Chariton Community Schools
  • General Area: Ottercreek Township
  • Net Taxes: $1,356.00
  • CSR2: 62.40
  • Zoning: Ag

Interactive Map

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