
Kimball County, NE
156.46 Acres M/L

Road 11
Bushnell, NE 69128

Price $105,000
Listing #16598
Troy Vogel


Troy Vogel

Office: 402.334.0256
Mobile: 970.520.9225

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to represent the 156.46 acres m/l of Kimball County, Nebraska land. Located twelve miles southwest of Bushnell, NE, and ten miles southeast of Pine Bluffs, WY line, this property offers a strong ROI through the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). Currently, the property has 154.94 acres enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). The program is enrolled into 154.94 acres of CP25 (Rare & Declining Habitat) expiring in 2028 with an annual payment of $5,156 ($33.28 Per Acre). The primary soil types are Tassel-Blanche Sandy Loams and Altvan-Satanta Fine Sandy Loams. This farm is located southwest of Bushnell in Section 34 of Bushnell Township in Kimball County, Nebraska.

Legal Description

The Northeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 13 North, Range 58 West of the 6th P.M. Kimball County, Nebraska. Exact legal description to be taken from Title Commitment.


From Bushnell, Nebraska: Head south out of town on Highway 53C for 12.5 miles. Turn right onto Road 8 and travel west for 3 miles. Turn right onto Road 11 and travel north for 0.5 miles. The property is on the west side of Road 11.

  • Parcel Number: 530007754
  • School District: Kimball School District
  • General Area: South of Bushnell
  • Gross Taxes: $873.46
  • Zoning: Agriculture

Interactive Map

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