
Jasper County, IA
234.68 Acres M/L

N 99th Ave W & W 140th St N
Mingo, IA 50168

Price $1,975,000
Listing #15048
Matt Adams


Matt Adams

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.423.9235

Property Info


High quality farm in strong farming area available for the first time in over 90 years! Peoples Company is pleased to be representing the owners of 234.68 acres m/l located in the northwest corner of Jasper County, Iowa, and in Section 8 of Clear Creek Township. There is an estimated 199.12 FSA Tillable Acres carrying a CSR2 rating of 80.3; the primary soil types are top producing Clarion, Lester, and Nicollet Loams. Over 50% of the soil types carry a CSR2 rating over 88! The balance of the property includes a block of timber that is connected with a 1.5-acre pond. Easy access to the surrounding area with a location just west of US Hwy 65 and equal distance between the towns of Maxwell, Collins, and Farrar, Iowa. Land in this general area is tightly held and rarely makes it to the open market, making for a solid, long term investment or an addition to an existing farming operation

The farm has been improved with drainage tile and terraces to keep topsoil in place and navigate water off of the farm. Conservation practices have been actively applied with well-maintained waterways and terraces. Several competing grain marketing options located nearby including both ethanol plants and a variety of grain elevators/cooperatives. The farm is leased for the 2020 farm year.

Also included is a 1,120 square-foot, two-bedroom, one-and-a-half-bathroom single-family home that was built in 1999. Improvements include steel exterior siding, two concrete patios, and an enclosed breezeway with an attached garage. In addition, there are several functional outbuildings including a variety of machine sheds, grain bins, and barn/livestock areas on the property. Included with the sale of the property are a well-maintained machine shed that was built in 1991 that measures approximately 60' x 36', a 6,500-bushel steel grain storage bin, and a 500-gallon LP tank near the house. There is personal property and equipment owned by the current farm operator or owners located on the property that will be removed upon Closing and includes the 500- and 1,000-gallon LP tanks near the grain bin, 24’ x 48’ Open Front Cattle Shed, and the cattle lot fences and gates. The house, acreage site, and outbuildings are currently being leased by the same tenant. Should a Buyer have any additional questions about items that would be or not be included with the property or lease details, please contact the listing agent. The electric service is provided by Mid-American Energy and the house is currently served by a well, however, rural water is available through Central Iowa Water Association. There is also a 15' well usage and waterline easement for the benefit of the house and acreage site located at 13710 N. 99th Avenue W (not included in the sale of this property).

This farm is also being offered as two individual tracts – the “North Tract” consists of 117.49 acres m/l (Listing #15046) and the “South Tract” that includes 117.19 acres m/l (Listing #15047).

Legal Description

The Northwest one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter, Except South 125’ of West 162’; Northeast One-quarter of the SW One-quarter; Southwest One-Quarter of the Southwest One-Quarter except North 20’ of West 195’; Southeast One-quarter of the Southwest One-quarter, Except Parcel A and Except 233’ x 100’ beginning 571.1’ east of the SW corner; AND the West One-half of the Southeast One-Quarter (W ½ SE ¼); ALL located in Township Eighty-one (81), Range Twenty-one (21) West of the 5th P.M., Jasper County, Iowa. Exact legal description to be taken from the Abstract.


Estimated FSA Cropland Acres: 199.12
Base Acres: 169.60
Corn: 134.70 base acres with a PLC Yield of 146
Soybean: 34.90 base acres with a PLC Yield of 47
*FSA Cropland and Base Acres to be reconstituted by the Jasper County FSA Office after the sale.

No time of transfer inspection will be required on this property prior to closing pursuant to an exemption from Iowa's Time of Transfer regulations.


From I-80: Travel northeast on U.S. Highway 65 / State Highway 330 and take the U.S. Highway 65 exit and travel north for 1.5 miles and turn left (west) onto N 99th Ave W for 0.25 miles. The farm is located on the north side of the road.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 608529
  • Parcel Number: 0108300001; 0108300004; 0108400001; 0108300003; 0108300007; 0108400003
  • School District: Collins-Maxwell Community School District
  • General Area: South of Collins, Iowa
  • Gross Taxes: $9,120.00
  • CSR2: 80.30
  • Water: Central Iowa Water Association & Well
  • Zoning: Agricultural

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Listing Photo: Outside House Back Listing Photo: Bedroom 1 Listing Photo: Google Close Listing Photo: Jasper County Iowa Farm Land for Sale Listing Photo: Master Bedroom Listing Photo: Jasper County Iowa Farm Land for Sale Listing Photo: Jasper County Iowa Farm Land for Sale Listing Photo: Jasper County Iowa Farm Land for Sale Listing Photo: Outside House Front Listing Photo: Bedroom 2 Listing Photo: Jasper County Iowa Farm Land for Sale Listing Photo: Living Room Listing Photo: Trane Furnace Listing Photo: Google Far Listing Photo: Kitchen Listing Photo: Jasper County Iowa Farm Land for Sale Listing Photo: Jasper County Iowa Farm Land for Sale Listing Photo: Jasper County Iowa Farm Land for Sale Listing Photo: Jasper County Iowa Farm Land for Sale Listing Photo: Jasper County Iowa Farm Land for Sale Listing Photo: Jasper County Iowa Farm Land for Sale Listing Photo: Jasper County Iowa Farm Land for Sale Listing Photo: Upstairs Bathroom Listing Photo: Jasper County Iowa Farm Land for Sale Listing Photo: Jasper County Iowa Farm Land for Sale Listing Photo: Jasper County Iowa Farm Land for Sale Listing Photo: Jasper County Iowa Farm Land for Sale Listing Photo: Jasper County Iowa Farm Land for Sale Listing Photo: Jasper County Iowa Farm Land for Sale Listing Photo: Jasper County Iowa Farm Land for Sale Listing Photo: Jasper County Iowa Farm Land for Sale Listing Photo: Jasper County Iowa Farm Land for Sale Listing Photo: Jasper County Iowa Farm Land for Sale