Guthrie County, IA
201.74 Acres M/L
Redwood Avenue & 233rd Lane
Guthrie Center, IA 50115
Price | $1,767,500 |
Listing | #16218 |

Property Info
Legal Description
- Sign On Property: Yes
- MLS Number: 653730
- Parcel Number: 0000920800; 0000918900; 0000919000; 0000918300; 0000918500; 0000918600; 0000918400
- School District: Panorama Community School District
- General Area: Southwest of Panora, Iowa
- Gross Taxes: $4,266.00
- CSR2: 66.00
- Water: Xenia Rural Water
- Zoning: Agricultural
Additional Info
*Showings by appointment only. Please do not enter the farm without the listing agent or without prior approval of the listing agent.
*To improve the accessibility of the farm, the adjoining landowner to the 33 ft. wide driveway would consider selling a small parcel immediately north of the far east side of the access lane. Any offers would be subject to and contingent upon the adjoining landowner agreeing to the sale. Contact listing agent for additional information.
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