Greene County, IA
62.80 Acres M/L

Iowa Highway 144
Paton, IA 50217

Price $706,500
Listing #17928
Matt Adams


Matt Adams

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.423.9235

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to present an exceptional income-producing farm located just south of Paton, Iowa in Section 29 of Paton Township. This farm is 62.80 net acres m/l consisting of 59.86 FSA cropland acres and a CSR2 of 83.6. Prominent soil types include highly-productive Canisteo clay loam, Webster clay loam, and Nicollet clay loam. There is no Wetland Determination on file for this tract. All 59.86 cropland acres are currently enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) with expiration dates in 2027 and 2033. Upon expiration of the CRP contracts, these acres would be favorable for farming as they include top-producing soil types, or they could be re-enrolled in their respective CRP programs or be used as a building site.

The CRP contract details are listed below:
Contract #11367C: 53.36 Acres enrolled in the Pollinator Habitat Program (Practice CP42) with an annual payment of $16,506 or $309.34 per acre. This contract is set to expire in September of 2027. 
Contract #12027A: 6.50 Acres enrolled in the Farmable Wetlands Program (Practice CP27 & CP28) with an annual payment of $1,950 or $300 per acre. This contract is set to expire in September of 2033. *This contract has been in place since 2009.

Access to the farm is from the east side of the property off of Iowa Highway 144. Included on the property is a 52’ x 52’ pole barn that was built in 1959. It is being sold in “as is – where is” condition. The Union Pacific Railroad runs through the property and a private railroad crossing grants access to the western portion of the farm. An overhead transmission line runs along the eastern border of the property on Iowa Highway 144 and connects to two substations located just northeast of Paton, Iowa. 

Legal Description

Lot A of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE1/4 SE1/4); the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE1/4 NE1/4) (Except the railroad right-of-way); and all land lying East of the railroad right-of-way in the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4 NE1/4); ALL in Section Twenty-nine (29), Township Eighty-five (85) North, Range Twenty-nine (29) West of the 5th P.M., Greene County, Iowa. Exact Legal description to be taken from Abstract.


From Paton, Iowa: Head east on W Paton Street. Then turn right (south) onto Iowa Highway 144 and go for three quarters of a mile. The farm will be on the right-hand (west) side of the road. Look for Peoples Company signage.
  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 707206
  • Parcel Number: 0429200002, 0429200004, 0429400003
  • School District: Paton Churdan Community School District
  • General Area: South of Paton, Iowa
  • Gross Taxes: $2,427.26
  • CSR2: 83.60
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Interactive Map

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Listing Photo: GreenCounty-Paton-Iowa-62.80Acres-Farmland-CRP Listing Photo: GreenCounty-Paton-Iowa-62.80Acres-Farmland-CRP 1 Listing Photo: GreenCounty-Paton-Iowa-62.80Acres-Farmland-CRP 2 Listing Photo: GreenCounty-Paton-Iowa-62.80Acres-Farmland-CRP 3 Listing Photo: GreenCounty-Paton-Iowa-62.80Acres-Farmland-CRP 4 Listing Photo: GreenCounty-Paton-Iowa-62.80Acres-Farmland-CRP 5 Listing Photo: GreenCounty-Paton-Iowa-62.80Acres-Farmland-CRP 6 Listing Photo: GreenCounty-Paton-Iowa-62.80Acres-Farmland-CRP 7 Listing Photo: GreenCounty-Paton-Iowa-62.80Acres-Farmland-CRP 8 Listing Photo: GreenCounty-Paton-Iowa-62.80Acres-Farmland-CRP 9 Listing Photo: GreenCounty-Paton-Iowa-62.80Acres-Farmland-CRP 10 Listing Photo: GreenCounty-Paton-Iowa-62.80Acres-Farmland-CRP 11 Listing Photo: GreenCounty-Paton-Iowa-62.80Acres-Farmland-CRP 12 Listing Photo: GreenCounty-Paton-Iowa-62.80Acres-Farmland-CRP 13 Listing Photo: GreenCounty-Paton-Iowa-62.80Acres-Farmland-CRP 14 Listing Photo: GreenCounty-Paton-Iowa-62.80Acres-Farmland-CRP 15 Listing Photo: GreenCounty-Paton-Iowa-62.80Acres-Farmland-CRP 16 Listing Photo: GreenCounty-Paton-Iowa-62.80Acres-Farmland-CRP 17 Listing Photo: Google Close Farm Logo Listing Photo: Google Far Farm Logo