
Green County, WI
80.30 Acres M/L

80.30 Acres M/L
Monroe, WI 53566

Price $1,050,000
Listing #15692
Adam Crist


Adam Crist

Office: 608.482.1229
Mobile: 608.482.1229

Property Info


Pleased to present one of the best farms Green County, Wisconsin has to offer. Property consists of 80.30 acres m/l and has 79.67 cropland acres m/l. The property is currently in row crop production. This farm carries a NCCPI rating of 82.2 with Downs Silt loam and Muscatine Silt loam as the primary soil types. This farm features long straight rows with rich soils throughout. This land would be a great add-on to an existing farming operation or a smart investment for the Buyer looking to diversify their portfolio.

Legal Description

Exact legal discription to be taken from Title Commitment. 


From Monroe, Wisconsin: Travel east out of town on Bethel Road for approximately 3 miles. Turn right (west) onto Franklin Road for 1.3 miles. Property will be at the intersection (north side) of Franklin and Honey Creek Road.

From Browntown, Wisconsin: Travel west out of town on Highway 11 for approximately 4.5 miles. Turn right (south) onto Steiner Road for 1 mile. Turn left (east) onto Franklin Road for 1 mile and property will be on the north side of the road at the Honey Creek Road intersection. 

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • Parcel Number: 67
  • School District: Monroe
  • Net Taxes: $412.00
  • Zoning: Agriculture

Interactive Map

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