
Grant County, WI
190.00 Acres M/L

University Farm Road
Lancaster, WI 53813

Price $1,520,000
Listing #16554
Adam Crist


Adam Crist

Office: 608.482.1229
Mobile: 608.482.1229

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to present 190± acres in Grant County, Wisconsin. This farm has not been offered to the public in over 200 years! This farm has a little something for everyone with high-quality tillable farmland, prime recreational opportunities, marketable timber, and multiple building sites that offer a 360-degree view of the property. Properties of this magnitude don’t hit the market very often.

This farm has produced multiple Boone and Crockett Whitetails over the years including a buck that scored 189 inches B&C. In fact, the buck was featured in the Field and Stream “The Biggest Bucks of 2022” edition. With ample food sources, mature blocks of hardwoods, and multiple spring creeks providing ample water sources the property is able to support a strong population of turkey, pheasants, and whitetail deer. There are multiple heavily timbered draws that create great pinch points throughout the property that would make for exceptional bowhunting spots. This property also features multiple access points from the south and west allowing you to remain undetected as you enter your stand location.

The farm consists of 190 total acres m/l with 83.92 FSA cropland acres carrying a NCCPI value of 71.7. Primary soil types include Palsgrove silt loam and Fayette silt loam. The tillable acres have long straight rows, rich soils, great drainage, and great access to University Farm Road. The farm is available for the 2023 cropping season. None of the property is enrolled in any Government Programs. This land would make for a great add-on unit to an existing farm operation or a premium investment-grade land purchase.

Legal Description

Part of The SW1/4 SE1/4; SE1/4 SE1/4 of Section 1, Township 4 North, 4. West, Grant County, Wisconsin and Part of The NW1/4 NE1/4; E1/2 NE1/4; Part of The SW1/4 NE1/4 OF Section 12, Township 4 North, 4. West, Grant County, Wisconsin. Exact legal description to be taken from the Title Commitment.


From Lancaster, Wisconsin: Travel west on State Highway 81/35 for 3 ½ miles, turn right onto University Farm Road, and travel ½ mile property is on the right hand side. Look for the Peoples Company sign.

  • MLS Number: 1947562
  • Parcel Number: 002-00255-0000; 002-00254-0000; 002-00252-0000; 002-00017-0000; Part of 002-00016-0000; Part of 002-00253-0000
  • School District: Lancaster
  • General Area: West of Lancaster
  • Gross Taxes: $626.00
  • Water: Spring
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Interactive Map

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