
Grant County, WI
154.00 Acres M/L

US Highway 61
Lancaster, WI 53813

Price $2,451,680
Listing #16000
Adam Crist


Adam Crist

Office: 608.482.1229
Mobile: 608.482.1229

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to present 154 acres m/l of high-quality Grant County, Wisconsin farmland with an estimated 151.59 FSA tillable acres. The farm contains highly productive soil types including over 88% Tama silt loam and Judson loam. This farm has great road access on three sides of the property. The current crop lease on this farm expires on December 31, 2022. This farm generates one of the highest per acre rent in Grant County at $450 per tillable acre. The current tenant in place is willing to continue renting. Not very often does a farm of this caliber come to the market. This land would be a great add-on to an existing farming operation or a smart investment for the Buyer looking to diversify their portfolio. This farm is located south of Lancaster, WI with great access from US Highway 61, Airport Road, and Substation Road in section 36 of South Lancaster Township, Grant County, WI. Additional land is available in the area.

Legal Description

Exact legal description to be taken from Title Commitment. 


From Lancaster, WI: Travel south on US Highway 61 for four and a half miles. Turn left onto Airport Road. Look for Peoples Compnany sign.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • Parcel Number: 056.00806.0000; 056.00814.0000; 056.00815.0000; 056.00819.0000; 056.00813.0000
  • General Area: South of Lancaster, WI
  • Net Taxes: $702.00
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Interactive Map

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