
Grant County, WA
319.20 Acres M/L

Road 25 SW
Mattawa, WA 99349

Price $4,500,000
Listing #15433
Adam Woiblet


Adam Woiblet

Office: 509.876.8633
Mobile: 509.520.6117

Property Info


Here is a rare opportunity to buy an irrigated, Pacific Northwest farm with the South Columbia Basin Irrigation District serving its surface water rights. This pivot system, irrigated asset lies approximately 30 miles east of Yakima, WA, in central Washington State. The physical location of the farm is at the intersection of Road 25 SW and Road R SW, Mattawa, WA in Grant County.

This farm consists of three tax parcels, and per the Grant County Assessor, there are 319.20 +/- total deeded acres included in the sale. The Grant County Farm Service Agency shows total farmland as 315.42 acres with 260.19 acres stated as cropland. The South Columbia Basin Irrigation District shows 305.5 acres as irrigable under their allocations to the farm with the irrigation water delivered to the crops via two pivot irrigation systems.

The farm is currently leased to a local farmer under a cash rent agreement through 2022. Under this lease, the landlord receives a set dollar amount per year for the entire farm with the only cost responsibility of paying the real estate taxes each year. The tillable acres under pivot are currently planted to a 2021 crop of timothy hay but the property has a crop history of many different row crops over the years, including potatoes. This area of the state is known as a prime location for growing permanent crops including orchards, berries and vineyards and this type of crop is likely the highest and best use for this asset with its abundant and reliable water source.

Elevation of the property runs from approximately 750 feet to 790 feet with near flat topography, and annual rainfall for this area averages six to seven inches per year, per the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Soils on the property are primarily made up of Burbank loamy fine sand with 0% to 5% slopes throughout.

Per the Grant County Planning Department, the zoning of the property is Agriculture with a 40 acre minimum parcel size. There are no structures included with the sale.  The property is accessed via paved and gravel, county-maintained roads.

For more information and to request the full information package, please contact Adam C Woiblet: 509-520-6117 or

Legal Description

Contact agent.


Starting in Mattawa, Washington, head East on Road 24 SW and turn right on Road R SW. Go South until you reach the intersection of Road 25 SW and Road R SW and you will arrive at the farm.

  • Parcel Number: 21-191579000, 21-191577000, 21-191576000
  • General Area: Central Washington State
  • Gross Taxes: $8,039.48
  • Water: South Columbia Basin Irrigation District
  • Zoning: Agriculture

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Listing Photo: Mattawa Irrigated Farm Pic 3 Listing Photo: Mattawa Irrigated Farm Pic 2 Listing Photo: Mattawa Irrigated Farm Pic 5 Listing Photo: Mattawa Irrigated Farm Pic 1 Listing Photo: Mattawa Irrigated Farm Pic 4