Grant County, WA
269.92 Acres M/L

Road 13.5 NW
Ephrata, WA 98823

Price $4,500,000
Listing #17409
Adam Woiblet


Adam Woiblet

Office: 509.876.8633
Mobile: 509.520.6117

Property Info


This Washington State orchard asset is comprised of 269.92 +/- deeded acres across three tax parcels in Grant County, Washington. This multifaceted property currently consists of permanent crop plantings, which are managed by a professional orchard management company, and row crop acres, which have been operated by a local tenant for several years under a cash-rent lease. There are 103.80 +/- acres planted to trees, 53.1 +/- acres currently planted to a hay crop, and 36.10 +/- open acres for a total of 193.0 +/- tillable acres, per crop insurance records. 
The primary crops grown on this property include high-density organic apples, conventional cherries, and hay and row crops. Washington’s organic apple growers produce more than 93% of the country’s organic apple output, per the Washington State Tree Fruit Association. The property’s organic acres, which are certified yearly by the Washington State Department of Agriculture, consist of several varieties including Gala, Granny Smith, and Fuji.  
Irrigation water for the asset is delivered via surface water rights from the Quincy Columbia Basin Irrigation District (QCBID). The water allocations, included in the sale, are located in a block that has been paid off and is not subject to Reclamation Reform Act limitations. 
There is a 1,152-square-foot farm implement building/shop located on the property and included in the sale of this asset. The building is currently occupied by the orchard management company. 
For more information and to request the full information package, please contact Adam Woiblet: 509.520.6117 or 


1,152 +/- square-foot farm implement building, 3 wind machines 
  • Parcel Number: 200667001, 200667000, 200668000
  • General Area: Washington State
  • Gross Taxes: $12,761.81
  • Water: Quincy Columbia Basin Irrigation District (QCBID)
  • Zoning: Resource Lands Agricultural & Rural Lands/Rural Residential 1

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