
Grand Forks County, ND
153.01 Acres M/L

10th Ave NE & 38th St NE
Northwood, ND 58267

Price $428,428
Listing #15129
Lindsey Brown


Lindsey Brown

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 701.371.5538

Property Info


Grand Forks County tillable farmland consisting of 153.01 acres m/l with 113.58 cropland acres and 22.6 acres of CRP carrying a productivity index of 87.5. The primary soils types are Glyndon-Tiffany silt loams, Antler silt loam and LaDelle silt loam. The CRP contracts are in place for 10 years and pay $74.50 per acre or $1,683.70 annually. This land is available to be farmed in the 2021 crop year.

Legal Description

SE1/4 EX. 11.95 A, EX 1.07A RD and PT SE1/4 COMM AT SE COR SE1/4 N587', W887', S587', E887' EX5.37A EX .55A RD; All in 11-150-55 Grand Forks County, ND. Exact Legal Description to be taken from the Abstract.


From Northwood, ND at the intersection of Hwy 15 and N. Raymond St. drive west on Hwy 15 for 2.5 miles to Hwy 18 the turn right and drive north on Hwy 18 for 5 miles to 10th Ave NE. Then turn left on 10th Ave NE and drive west for 1.2 miles. This will bring you to the SE corner of the property.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • Parcel Number: 16-1104-00001-000 & 16-1104-00001-002
  • Net Taxes: $2,322.71
  • Lot Size: 0
  • Lot Dimensions: 0
  • Zoning: 0

Interactive Map

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