
Franklin County, WA
1428.03 Acres M/L

2170 Gill Road
Kahlotus, WA 99348

Price $1,400,000
Listing #17443
Adam Woiblet


Adam Woiblet

Office: 509.876.8633
Mobile: 509.520.6117

Braydon Rudolph


Braydon Rudolph

Office: 509.876.8633
Mobile: 541.379.8699

Property Info


We have available for acquisition a dryland CRP farm with 6+ years left on the current CRP contracts. This family-owned farm is approximately 12 minutes east of Kahlotus, WA in South-Central Washington State. This asset consists of three tax parcels, and per the Franklin County Assessor, there are 1,428.03 +/- deeded acres. 
There are 1,223.69 +/- cropland acres, per the Franklin County Farm Service Agency. Of those, 1,204.35 +/- acres are enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and 19.34 are in production. Farmers enrolled in the CRP program agree to remove environmentally sensitive land from agricultural production and plant species that will improve environmental health and quality in exchange for an annual rental payment. 
643.93 +/- acres are enrolled via one contract, which expires on September 30, 2030, and 560.42 +/- acres are enrolled via two contracts, which expire on September 30, 2031. The total annual payment is $67,302.00 and a portion of the contract is split with the farm tenant. 
The elevation of the property runs from approximately 1,098 feet to 1,537 feet and annual rainfall for this area averages 10 to 11 inches per year, per the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Soils on the property are primarily made of Ritzville silt loam with 5 % to 60 % slopes throughout. There are no irrigation water rights located on the property or included in the sale of this asset. 
There is a 1,242-square-foot single-family residence, 1,134-square-foot utility building, 1,600-square-foot utility machine shed, and a 600-square-foot utility building located on the property and included in the sale of this asset. The home and buildings are currently occupied by the farm tenant. 
For more information and to request the full information package, please contact Adam Woiblet: 509.520.6117 or OR Braydon Rudolph: 541.379.8699 or 
  • Parcel Number: 101100014, 101590021, 101030019
  • Gross Taxes: $3,492.56
  • Zoning: Agricultural Production 40

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