
Franklin County, IA
80.00 Acres M/L

Tulip Avenue
Geneva, IA 50633

Price $520,000
Listing #17244
Matt Adams


Matt Adams

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.423.9235

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to present 80 acres m/l of Franklin County farmland located approximately 2.5 miles northeast of Geneva, Iowa, and 10 miles southeast of Hampton, Iowa. The farm includes 60.75 FSA tillable acres with a CSR2 rating of 54.9. Located on the Northeast corner of the property are 2.61 acres of CRP, enrolled in CP-42 (Pollinator Habitat) which pays $204 per acre or $532 annually. This would make for a great add-on unit to an existing operation or an affordable purchase for a Beginning Farmer/Investor. The property also offers a recreational component of over 10 acres m/l of timber draws with a creek bed flowing north into Maynes Creek. The farm is located in Sections 15 & 16 of Geneva Township.

Legal Description

The Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4 SW 1/4) of Section Fifteen (15), and the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4 SE 1/4) of Section Sixteen (16), all in Township Ninety-one (91) West of the 5th P.M. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.


From Geneva, Iowa: Travel north out of Geneva, Iowa on Front Street until 105th Street. Turn right (east) on 105th Street for 2 miles until Tulip Avenue. Turn left (north) on Tulip Avenue for 1/2 mile and the property will be on the right (east) side of the road. Look for signs. 

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 686015
  • Parcel Number: 1215300002; 1216400004
  • School District: AGWSR Community School District
  • General Area: Northeast of Geneva, Iowa.
  • Gross Taxes: $1,655.00
  • CSR2: 54.90
  • Zoning: Agricultural

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