Franklin County, IA
41.78 Acres M/L
140th Street
Hampton, IA 50441
Price | $438,690 |
Listing | #16276 |

Property Info
Franklin County, Iowa Farmland - Peoples Company is offering 41.78 acres m/l of high-quality Franklin County, Iowa farmland! Located within the city limits in the southeast corner of Hampton, Iowa, this property includes 35.45 FSA NHEL tillable acres. Currently, there are 31.25 acres being farmed carrying a CSR2 rating of 93.2 with the primary soil types of Dinsdale silty clay loam, Muscatine silty clay loam, and Ely silty clay loam. There are 4.20 acres enrolled into the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) through 2027. The CRP practice is CP-21 (Filter Strips) and has a current annual payment of $1,260 ($300/acre).
There are several competing grain market options nearby including ethanol plants combined with a variety of grain elevators. This tillable farmland tract is located within Section 34 in Mott Township, Franklin County, Iowa. The current use of this property is agricultural but it is currently zoned single-family residential (R-1) by the City of Hampton, Iowa. There is a city water line along the north side of 140th Street with a hydrant by the west acreage site (southwest corner of the property). For additional information, please refer to the Permitted Zoning Uses attachment (Chapter 165 - Article 6) or contact the City of Hampton, Iowa with additional questions. This property would be a great long-term investment as the area continually develops. Don't miss this rare opportunity to purchase land in a tightly held area!
Legal Description
A tract of land located in Section Thirty-four (34), Township Ninety-two (92) North, Range Twenty (20) West of the 5th P.M., Franklin County, Iowa. Long legal description on file. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.
From Hampton, Iowa: Travel on U.S. Highway 65 / 4th Street SE to 140th Street. Turn left (east) onto 140th Street for approximately 0.5 miles. The farm will be located on the north side of the road. Look for the Peoples Company sign.
- Sign On Property: Yes
- MLS Number: 656181
- Parcel Number: 0734400014; 0734376003
- School District: Hampton-Dumont Community School District
- General Area: Southeast Hampton, Iowa
- Gross Taxes: $1,398.00
- CSR2: 93.20
- Zoning: Agricultural
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