
Fayette County, IA
161.50 Acres M/L

20th Street
Oelwein, IA 50662

Price $1,700,000
Listing #17916
Travis Smock


Travis Smock

Mobile: 319.361.8089

Property Info


Fayette County Farmland Available! Offering 161 acres m/l of high CSR2 land located just southwest of Oelwein in Section 31 of Jefferson Township. The farm currently provides an estimated 136.72 FSA cropland acres carrying an average CSR2 of 86.3. The farm is designated NHEL (non-highly erodible land) and the main soil types are the productive Kenyon, Floyd, and Clyde Clay loams. A 10.6 acre portion of the non-tillable area is considered a Farmable Wetland with older tile located below the surface. The remaining 14.4 non-tillable acres in this area are not considered wetlands and could be tiled and farmed. The majority of the non-tillable area offers excellent soil types and would significantly increase farm production. If preferred, this area could also offer ample recreational opportunities with signs of many turkeys and upland birds as well as bedding areas for whitetail deer. The farm is situated in a prime area for row crop production with the Fairbank ethanol plant just three miles away and the Cedar Rapids and Mississippi River grain outlets each within sixty miles. The farm has access and road frontage along 20th Street and an additional access point will be given via permanent easement through the west edge of the acreage site. The acreage amount may change slightly when the building site is surveyed off from the farmland. Whether you are a local farmer or investor, you won't want to miss the opportunity to own this farm with significant upside potential!

Legal Description

The East Half of the Northwest Quarter EXCEPT a parcel to be surveyed (~4-acre acreage site), the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, and the North Half of the Northeast Quarter EXCEPT the East 495 feet, all in Section 31, Township 91 North, Range 9 West of the 5th P.M, Fayette County, Iowa. Exact legal description will be taken from Abstract.


From Downtown Oelwein: Travel west on West Charles Street for 1.6 miles to R Avenue. head south on R Avenue for 1.5 miles to 20th Street. Turn west on 20th Street and travel for .10 mile. The farm will be on the south side of the road.
  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 705946
  • Parcel Number: 1831100007, 1831200009
  • School District: Oelwein Community School District
  • General Area: Southwest of Oelwein
  • Net Taxes: $5,500.00
  • CSR2: 86.30
  • Zoning: Ag

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Listing Photo: Gilliam, Shirley Estate 161.5ac, Fayette Co - Aerial NW Corner Listing Photo: Gilliam, Shirley Estate 161.5ac, Fayette Co - Aerial SW Corner Listing Photo: Fayette County, Iowa Farm For Sale Listing Photo: Fayette County, Iowa Farm For Sale Listing Photo: Fayette County, Iowa Farm For Sale Listing Photo: Fayette County, IA Farmland Available Listing Photo: Fayette County, IA Farmland Available Listing Photo: Fayette County, IA Farmland Available Listing Photo: Fayette County, IA Farmland Available Listing Photo: Fayette County, IA Farmland Available Listing Photo: Fayette County, IA Farmland Available Listing Photo: Fayette County, IA Farmland Available Listing Photo: Fayette County, Iowa Land For Sale Listing Photo: Fayette County, Iowa Land For Sale Listing Photo: Fayette County, Iowa Land For Sale Listing Photo: Fayette County, Iowa Recreational Land For Sale Listing Photo: 17916_Gilliam, Shirley 161.5ac, Fayette Co - Google Close Listing Photo: 17916_Gilliam, Shirley 161.5ac, Fayette Co - Google Far