
Dallas County, IA
82.16 Acres M/L

County Highway P46/D Avenue
Dawson, IA 50066

Price $632,632
Listing #17345
Matt Adams


Matt Adams

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.423.9235

Ross Zelinsky


Ross Zelinsky

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.720.7138

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to present this excellent 82.16 acres m/l pasture and tillable combination farm in Dallas County, Iowa. Located approximately one mile north of Dawson, Iowa on County Road P46 / D Avenue, this farm includes 82.16 gross acres m/l with 49.8 tillable acres on the southern end of the farm that is currently in soybean production carrying a CSR2 rating of 72.4. The primary soil types of the tillable portion of the farm include Spillville loam, Hanlon fine loam, and Cylinder loam. The balance of the farm is currently pasture, comprised of cool-season grass pastures. There is plenty of shade, and the exterior fences are in good condition for all types of grazing livestock.

There are two field driveways, which are both located on the west side of the property along County Road P46/D Avenue that provide easy access to the farm. Both of these entrances have easements allowing the adjoining landowners to access their properties. There is also a 40' x 56' feed & livestock barn constructed in the early 1900s that has been well maintained and would serve as a great building for future livestock use. Adjacent to the barn is a well that is permitted for livestock use; a well test may need to be completed for alternative uses. Xenia Rural Water lines run along the east side of County Road P46/D Avenue, the waterline stops at the neighbor's house to the north. Xenia has confirmed you can extend the water line onto your property for an additional cost. Don't miss the opportunity to own some farmland just north of Dawson in Section 3 of Dallas Township in Dallas County, Iowa. Additional acres are available, contact one of the Listing Agents for more information about this offering. 

Legal Description

Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.


From Dawson, Iowa head north on East 3rd Street for a quarter (1/4) mile, East 3rd Street turns into County Road P46/D Avenue and continue north for a half (1/2) mile until you reach the Raccoon River. Go north over the Raccoon River Bridge and the farm entrance is on the east side of the road. Look for Peoples Company signs. 
  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 688360
  • Parcel Number: 0103300010; Part of 0103300008; Part of 0103100008
  • School District: Perry Community School District
  • General Area: North of Dawson, Iowa
  • Net Taxes: $2,000.00
  • CSR2: 72.40
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Interactive Map

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