
Dallas County, IA
74.42 Acres M/L

25373 130th Street
Bouton, IA 50039

Price $800,000
Listing #15888
Matt Adams


Matt Adams

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.423.9235

Property Info


Peoples Company is honored to be representing a unique opportunity to own 74.42 acres m/l of Dallas County, Iowa land minutes from the Des Moines Metro. Conveniently located on paved county highway between Woodward, Iowa and Bouton, Iowa; the combination of tillable, CRP acres, and a timber draw offers potential for those looking for recreational value, future building site/s, or a longer-term land investment. Also, this tract borders the section of bike trail that will connect the High Trestle Bike Trail and the Raccoon River Valley Bike Trail.

The previous owner entered the property into two CRP contracts (Conservation Reserve Program) that expire in years 2025 and 2029 with the approach of creating better habitat for ring-neck pheasant, bobwhite quail, and other upland birds with the planting of several native wildflowers, grasses, and forbs. The current owner has offered to perform mid-contract management on the CRP acres and perform a prescribed prairie burn on the CRP Acres in the Spring of 2022. There are 23.80 acres currently enrolled in two Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) contracts paying $6,044.54 annually that expire in 2025 and 2029.

  • 15.30 acres are enrolled into CRP CP-33 (Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds) through 2025 with an annual payment of $4,319.04 ($282.29/acre)
  • 8.50 Acres enrolled into CRP CP-21 (Filter Strips) through 2029 with an annual payment of $1,725.50 ($203.00/acre).

This property is located within the Woodward-Granger Community School District and has all utilities are located at the road with Rural Water provided through Xenia Rural Water Association and electric service through Interstate Power and Light. The rural water line is a 6” line located along the north side of the highway and the electric service located on the south side of 230th Street. There are two entrances to the property located on the east and west sides of the farm.

This tract consists of an estimated 65.01 FSA Cropland Acres - 41.21 acres are currently leased for row crop production carrying a tillable CSR2 rating of 67.9 with the balance in the two CRP contracts. There are two older Chief grain storage bins located on the southwest corner of the field that are included with the sale. The balance of the property includes grassed waterways and a wooden timber draw located through the middle of the farm. The farm lease has been terminated and the farming rights will be open for the 2022 farm year.

Currently, there is a hunting lease on the property through 2024 which restricts immediate development and requires there aren’t any obstructions that negatively affect or impede the exclusive hunting rights. Please contact the Listing Agent for additional details regarding the current hunting lease. The owner will be reserving access points through this property in order to maintain ingress & egress to additional owned property located to the north. This other owned land located just north of the bike trail would also be available for purchase in addition to this property. Please contact agent for details.

Legal Description

The Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) AND the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section Three (3), Township Eighty-one (81) North, Range Twenty-seven (27) West of the 5th P.M., Dallas County, Iowa, EXCEPT the Railroad right of way, EXCEPT all of the 100 foot wide and extra width corridor of the former Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company located in the South Half (S 1/2) of Section 3, Township 81 North, Range 27 West of the 5th P.M., Dallas County, Iowa, as recorded in Book 796 on Page 990 of the records of Dallas County Recorder. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.


From Des Moines Metro Area: Travel north on State Highway 141 for 17 miles to Exit 138 for Woodward, Iowa. Continue into Woodward and then head west out of town on County Highway R30 / 130th Street for approximately 3 miles to 25373 130th Street, Bouton, Iowa 50039. The property will be on the north side of the road. Look for the Peoples Company signs.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 641306
  • Parcel Number: 0303300008; 0303400004
  • School District: Woodward Granger Community School District
  • General Area: West of Woodward, Iowa
  • Net Taxes: $1,634.00
  • CSR2: 69.20
  • Water: Xenia Rural Water
  • Zoning: Agriculture

Interactive Map

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Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Google Far Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farmland for Sale Listing Photo: Google Close