Dallas County, IA
54.70 Acres M/L
Minburn Road
Minburn, IA 50167
Price | $355,550 |
Listing | #15081 |

Property Info
Legal Description
- Sign On Property: Yes
- MLS Number: 610788
- Parcel Number: 0614400008, 0623200002, 0624100006
- School District: ADEL - DE SOTO - MINBURN CSD
- General Area: Southwest of Minburn, Iowa
- Net Taxes: $82.00
- Zoning: Ag
Additional Info
The owners have equipment they would consider including in the sale of the property - 1963 John Deere 2010 Tractor with several attachments ( 5 ft. Bush Hog, 3 Point Hitch Boom, 7 ft. Back Blade), 2008 Yamaha Grizzly 700CC EPS 4x4 with Hitch, Trailer, Boxes, and Trunk, 2006 John Deere 135 Riding Mower with a 42" Deck and Grass / Leaf Catcher System. Contact agent for additional information or questions regarding the equipment.
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