
Dallas County, IA
50.53 Acres M/L

365th Street
Earlham, IA 50072

Price $550,777
Listing #15247
Matt Adams


Matt Adams

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.423.9235

Property Info


A rare and highly sought after opportunity in Dallas County – 50.53 acres m/l located just off pavement and 15 minutes from the Des Moines Metro. The property is located immediately northeast of Earlham, Iowa on 365th Street with easy access to Interstate 80 and Co Hwy F90. Site would work well for an acreage/homesite in the Earlham School District or a weekend getaway. The property offers a private driveway that meanders through timber to a high spot with great surrounding views. Improvements include electric and rural water services being located at the road. Warren Rural Water District services this area and has a 1 in. water line located on the north side of 365th Street. There are no covenants on this land and the location is outside of the City Limits so the uses shouldn’t be as restricted.

A reclaimed gravel pit turned pond area is located on the south side of this tract. The water level varies throughout the year but the average surface area of the pond is just over 1 ½ acres. There are two large lakes on the adjoining land to the east and owned/maintained by the City of Earlham that have been stocked with game fish including bass, bluegill, crappie, and catfish. Other uses of these lakes include kayaks, canoes, and smaller fishing boats. The owner of this property is able to access the lake from their property or can use the public ramps located at other parts of the pond.  Note* The City of Earlham has been using this property when needed to maintain a drainage tube located on the west lake. However, there is no recorded agreement with the City of Earlham and this would be considered verbal only. Of the 50.53 total acres, there are 28.96 FSA cropland acres with a tillable CSR2 rating of 84.4.

Legal Description

A parcel of land in the E 1/2 SE 1/2 of Section 32, Township 78 North, Range 28 West of the 5th P.M., Dallas County, Iowa, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the East Quarter Corner of Sec.32-T78N-R28W of the 5th P.M.; thence N 90°00’ W, 629.68 feet along the North line of the SE ¼ of said Section 32; then S 00°56’ W, 655.46 feet; then N 89°04’ W, 69.53 feet; then S 01°32’ W, 613.05 feet; thence S 57°41’ W, 288.35 feet; thence S 11°12’ W, 554.55 feet; thence S 70°18’ W, 91.50 feet; thence S 26°13’16” E, 701.20 feet to the South line of said SE ¼; thence N 89°55’48” E, 844.81 feet to the Southeast Corner of said Section 32; thence N 00°12’03” E, 2624.09 feet along the East line of said SE ¼ to the point of beginning. Said parcel contains 20.30 acres, including 0.66 acres of public road right ow way in the NE ¼ SE ¼ of Sec. 32-T78N-R28W, and 30.23 acres in the SE ¼ SE ¼ of Sec.32-78N-R28W. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.


FSA Cropland Acres: 28.96
Corn: 13.75 base acres with a PLC Yield of 163
Farm is enrolled in ARC-CO


From Earlham, Iowa: Travel north out of Earlham on N Chestnut Avenue for 1 mile before turning right and heading east on 365th Street. Continue traveling east on 365th Street for 1.5 miles and the property will be on the south side of the road.  Look for a Peoples Company sign.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 618053
  • Parcel Number: 1432400005; 1432400008
  • School District: Earlham Community School District
  • General Area: Northeast of Earlham, Iowa
  • Gross Taxes: $1,072.00
  • CSR2: 89.00
  • Water: Warren Rural Water District
  • Zoning: Agricultural

Interactive Map

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Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farm Land For Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farm Land For Sale Listing Photo: Google Far Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farm Land For Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farm Land For Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farm Land For Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farm Land For Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farm Land For Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farm Land For Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farm Land For Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farm Land For Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farm Land For Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farm Land For Sale Listing Photo: Google Close Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farm Land For Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farm Land For Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farm Land For Sale Listing Photo: Dallas County Iowa Farm Land For Sale