
Craighead County, AR
75.79 Acres M/L

1112 CR 203
Monette, AR 72447

Price $680,000
Listing #16541
Joel King, ALC, CAI


Joel King, ALC, CAI

Office: 870.275.6249
Mobile: 870.847.0945

Property Info


Peoples Company of the Delta brings to the market a highly sought after 75- deeded acre farm with flexible soils to produce cotton, beans, corn, or peanuts. The soils consist of Roellen silty clay loam, Mhoon fine sand loam, and Dundee fine sandy loam. The overall NCCPI rating is 67.7. Located just off Hwy 18 NE of Monette, AR. With approximately 70 acres of farm land out of 75 acres, it has a large cotton base according to the FSA 156. The entire tract is irrigated and located near 2 cotton gins with one of them you can see from the farm. This past year’s yields were above average and next year is expected to be very similar. Great size tract to add to your farm portfolio. Rarely does a tract like this come on the market. It won’t last long.

Legal Description

The Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, Township 15 North, Range 7 East in Craighead County, Monette, Arkansas.


From Hwy. 18 heading east turn left on Hwy. 139 go approximately 2 miles turn right on County Road 203. Go one mile. The property is on the right.

  • MLS Number: 10102983
  • Parcel Number: 12-157224-00200
  • School District: Buffalo Island Central
  • General Area: Rural Monette
  • Net Taxes: $5,000.00
  • Water: Well
  • Zoning: None

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