
Craighead County, AR
158.79 Acres M/L

CR 546/Plyant Road
Monette, AR 72447

Price $1,310,017
Listing #16473
Joel King, ALC, CAI


Joel King, ALC, CAI

Office: 870.275.6249
Mobile: 870.847.0945

Property Info


Peoples Company of the Delta is proud to offer a 158.79 m/l acreage parcel of highly productive farmland located just south of the Missouri state line just above Monette in Northeast AR. With the farm having an above average NCCPI soil rating of 73.6 with primary soils of Dundee and Bruno Commerce complex. The farm has strong yields in cotton with remaining crop rotation of soybeans and peanuts. The farm is over 95% irrigated and hadn’t had a problem making a crop every year. Location is just north of the Childers Gin so the expense of getting the cotton to market is minimal. Good opportunity for a smaller investor to buy highly sought-after land with great dirt. Situated on CR 531 and CR 546 that are maintained by the Craighead Road Department. This would be a great addition to your farm inventory.

Legal Description

All of the NE/4  in Section 29, Twonship 16, Range 7, less and except 1.21 acres in the NE corner of subject tract. Subtract contain 158.79 m/l acres located in Craighead County, AR.


The property has been farmed in a 4 year rotation between cotton, soybeans, and peanuts.


From Jonesboro heading east on Hwy.18, once in Monette, AR turn left on Hwy. 139 (heading north). Go approx. 9 miles then take a left on CR 546. Go 1 mile and the property will lay on CR 546 and CR 531.


Well, several risers and gravel roads around the tract of land.

  • MLS Number: 10102552
  • Parcel Number: 12-167291-004100
  • School District: Monette
  • General Area: Rural Monette
  • Net Taxes: $1,603.00
  • Lot Size: 158.79 ac
  • Water: Well
  • Zoning: Agriculture

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Listing Photo: Cotton in Full Bloom Listing Photo: Riser Listing Photo: Boundary 2 Listing Photo: Boundary 1 Listing Photo: Riser Listing Photo: Riser Listing Photo: Rows of Cotton Listing Photo: Soybeans Listing Photo: Google Far Listing Photo: Google Close