Jefferson County, AR
29.29 Acres M/L

213 Hwy 425
Pine Bluff, AR 71601

Price $1,500,000
Listing #18094
Joel King, ALC, CAI


Joel King, ALC, CAI

Office: 870.275.6249
Mobile: 870.847.0945

George Baird, AFM, AAC


George Baird, AFM, AAC

Office: 901.483.0373
Mobile: 901.483.0373

Property Info


The Peoples Company of the Delta is bringing a great opportunity to the market. Located southeast of Pine Bluff, AR near the intersection of US Hwy 65 and Hwy 425, 4 grain storage bins of approx. 82,322 bushels capacity each and one wet tank capacity of 18,583. Annual lease in place at just under $90,000 per year with a renewal in spring of 2026.

In addition is another 25 acres of tillable land leased at $90 per acre. With both leases in place, it makes for a very nice return with excess land to build more.

Legal Description

COMM SW COR NW 1/4 TH N 88 DEGS 55 MINS E 95.13 FT FOR A POB ON THE E R/W HWY 425 TH N'LY ALG SD R/W 1803.95 FT TH LEAVING SD R/W N 89 DEGS 25 MINS E 801.34 FT S 09 DEGS 11 MINS E 278.8 FT S 10 DEGS 23 MINS W 938 FT S 14 DEGS 30 MINS W 624.21 FT S 88 DEGS 55 MINS W 497.5 FT TO POB 29.29 ACRES.  Exact legal description to be taken from Title Commitment. 


From Pine Bluff go east on Hwy 65 and turn south on Hwy 425. Go approx. 1/4 mile and grain bins and acreage will be on your left. 


Four (4) Grain Bins of 82,322 bushels each and One (1) Wet Tank of 18,583
  • School District: Pine Bluff
  • General Area: South of Pine Bluff, AR
  • Gross Taxes: $3,814.00
  • Lot Size: 29.29

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