
Clay County, AR
80.00 Acres M/L

1111 Arkansas 139
Rector, AR 72461

Price $800,000
Listing #17009
Joel King, ALC, CAI


Joel King, ALC, CAI

Office: 870.275.6249
Mobile: 870.847.0945

Property Info


The Denny farm in Clay County, AR hasn’t changed hands in over 80 years, but it is now available. The 80 acres m/l of tillable land is in a highly sought after area just east of Rector and Hargrave Corner, AR. The soil combinations of Kobel Silty Clay and Fountain Silt Loam make for ideal growing for multiple crops. The tract is irrigated by a well and located in an area that will yield averages of 180-bushel corn, 60 bushels of beans, and approx. 1250 #’s of cotton per acre. Conveniently located just 1 mile from the Graves Cotton Gin and fronts on Hwy 139 to the east and CR 527 on the west. In today’s market, these types of tracts don’t come up very often. Call for additional information.

Legal Description


The North half of the Southeast 1/4 in Section 27, Township 19N, Range 8E in Clay County, AR containing 80 M/L acres. 


From Rector, AR on Hwy. 49 East, take Hwy. 90 to Arkansas139. Turn right and the property on the right.

  • MLS Number: 17009
  • Parcel Number: 051-04933-000
  • School District: Rector
  • General Area: East Rector
  • Net Taxes: $814.00
  • Lot Size: 80ac
  • Water: Well
  • Zoning: AG

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