
Clarke County, IA
193.97 Acres M/L

Forest Street
Murray, IA 50174

Price $1,235,000
Matt Adams


Matt Adams

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 515.423.9235

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to be representing the sale of one of a high quality tillable farm located just south of Murray, Iowa in Clarke County. The property consists of 193.97 acres m/l with 189.74 FSA cropland acres and a CSR2 rating of 61, well above the county average of 47.2. This nearly 100% tillable farm is a good ridge farm that includes top producing soil types of Grundy silty clay loam, Haig silt loam, and Arispe silty clay loam. The north / south mile-long rows and wide open area add efficiency to a farm operation and the well-established waterways showcase the conservation practices implemented to keep topsoil in place and avoid erosion.

This tract would make for a great long term investment by a current farm operation or investor that is particular about higher quality farmland or would like to combat potential stimulus driven inflation. The farm lease will be open for 2021 crop year. There is great access by way of paved roads Co. Rd. R15 and US Hwy 34 to several competing grain markets in the area. The farmland is located just 3.5 miles south of US Highway 34 on Forest Street and in Section 4 of Doyle Township & Section 33 of Troy Township. Listing Agent has financial interest in the property listed for sale.

Legal Description

The Northeast Fractional Quarter (NE Frl 1/4)  EXCEPT Parcel "A" in the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) AND EXCEPT Parcel "B" being part of Parcel "A" in the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4 NE 1/4) AND EXCEPT Parcel "C" in the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4 NE 1/4) of Section Four (4), Township Seventy-one (71) North, Range Twenty-seven (27) West AND The West one-half of the Southeast Quarter (W 1/2 SE 1/4) of Section Thirty-three(33), Township Seventy-two (72) North, Range Twenty-seven (27) West all of the 5th P.M., Clarke County, Iowa. Exact legal to be taken from the abstract.


FSA Cropland Acres: 189.74
Base Acres: 120.49
Corn: 63.39 base acres with a PLC Yield of 98
Soybean: 55.42 acres with a PLC Yield of 28
Oats: 1.68 acres with a PLC Yield of 49


From Murray, Iowa: Travel south on County Highway R15 for approximately 4.5 miles and turn right (west) onto Forest Street for 0.25 miles.  The farm will be located on the north side of the road.  Look for Peoples Company Sign.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 611905
  • Parcel Number: 06254, 06252, 10460, 10461, 12115, 13605
  • School District: Murray Community Schools
  • General Area: South of Murray, Iowa
  • Net Taxes: $3,732.00
  • CSR2: 61.00
  • Zoning: Agricultural

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