New Listing

Chickasaw County, IA
135.00 Acres M/L

130th Street
New Hampton, IA 50659

Price $1,525,500
Listing #18186
Travis Smock


Travis Smock

Mobile: 319.361.8089

Property Info


Chickasaw County Farmland Available! Presenting 135 acres m/l of productive farmland located north of New Hampton, in Chickasaw County, Iowa. This farm consists of 126.52 FSA cropland acres with an average CSR2 rating of 75.9, offering steady productivity in a well-established agricultural region of northeast Iowa. The land is designated as NHEL (Non-Highly Erodible Land), providing flexibility for future management practices. This desirable neighborhood has multiple grain outlets, including the nearby Homeland Energy Solutions ethanol plant in Lawler. It presents an excellent opportunity for farmers and investors to expand their holdings in a reliable and productive area. A 345 kV MidAmerican transmission line runs through the far southwest corner of the property, creating potential for future solar or wind expansion projects. There is an easement in place with the nearby Chickasaw Wind Farm, however, there are no turbines or cables located on the property.  A lease is in place for 2025, which could potentially be bought out if a buyer intends to farm this season. The land is situated southeast of Alta Vista along 130th Street in Section 35 of Washington Township, Chickasaw County, Iowa.

Legal Description

East Half (E 1/2) Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) And Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) (Except road 20 Feet wide off the Northwest Corner) And Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) (Except Lot One (1)) And The Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section Thirty-Five (35), Township Ninety-Seven (97) North, Range Thirteen (13) West of the 5th P.M., Chickasaw County, Iowa. Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.


From New Hampton: Head west out of town on West Milwaukee Street across Highway 63 to the intersection of Kenwood Avenue. Head north on Kenwood Avenue and travel for 7 miles to 130th Street. Turn west on 130th Street and drive for 1/4 mile. The farm will be on the north side of the road.

From Alta Vista: Head east out of town on 110th Street for 3 miles to Jasper Avenue. Turn south on Jasper Avenue and travel 2 miles to 130th Street. Turn east on 130th Street and drive for 1/4 mile. The farm will be on the north side of the road. 
  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • MLS Number: 713090
  • Parcel Number: 190335300001
  • School District: New Hampton Community School District
  • General Area: North of New Hampton
  • Net Taxes: $3,792.00
  • CSR2: 75.90
  • Zoning: Ag

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Listing Photo: Chickasaw Farm SW Aerial Image Listing Photo: Chickasaw County Iowa Farm - Aerial Image Listing Photo: Chickasaw County, IA Land For Sale Listing Photo: Chickasaw County, Iowa Farm For Sale Wind Turbine Listing Photo: Alta Vista, IA Land For Sale Listing Photo: New Hamption, Iowa Land Available Listing Photo: Farmland For Sale in Chickasaw County, Iowa Listing Photo: Chickasaw County, Iowa Row Crop Land For Sale Listing Photo: Wind Energy Land For Sale - Chickasaw County, Iowa Listing Photo: Chickasaw County, Iowa Farmland For Sale Listing Photo: Chickasaw County, Iowa Farmland Available Listing Photo: Chickasaw Land For Sale Listing Photo: 345 kV line - Chickasaw County, Iowa - For Sale Listing Photo: Chickasaw County, Iowa Land Available Listing Photo: 135 acres, Chickasaw Co - Google Close Map Listing Photo: 135ac Farmland For Sale, Chickasaw County, IA - Google Far Map