
Cedar County, IA
266.98 Acres M/L

Charles Avenue
Mechanicsville, IA 52306

Price $790,000
Listing #15472
Travis Smock


Travis Smock

Mobile: 319.361.8089

Property Info


Certificate of Purchase (a.k.a. foreclosure certificate) opportunity for hard to find pasture and recreational land just minutes from the Iowa City and Cedar Rapids metro areas in Cedar County, Iowa. This 266.98 acre m/l farm consists of approximately 119.50 tillable acres with the balance in mature timber with Clear Creek meandering through the center of the property. Of the 119.5 estimated tillable acres there are approximately 26.7 acres currently in row crop production carrying a CSR2 of 62.4 with the remainder planted to pasture/hay. The property appears to have good perimeter fencing. The primary soil type is highly productive Fayette silt loam. The farm is being offered as a Sheriff's Certificate of Purchase with the previous owner having redemption rights until November 10, 2021. NO TRESPASSING - Because of the sale method, public viewing and possession is not possible until after this redemption period has expired. The farm is located just south of Highway 30 between Mechanicsville and Lisbon in both the North Cedar and Lisbon School districts. Road frontage is along Charles Avenue. There appears to be an additional access point along 145th Street. The entire farm is located in Sections 28 & 29 of Pioneer Township, Cedar County, Iowa.

Certificate of Purchase and the Property will be sold “as is”, “where is”, “with all faults”, without any representation or warranty of any kind whatsoever. Seller will convey the Certificate of Purchase by assignment, and according to such other agreements and instruments that Seller’s attorney may advise. To be clear, the Seller will not be transferring its interest in the underlying foreclosure suit, but the contract for sale will provide reasonable assurances of future cooperation by Seller so that the purchaser can realize the benefit of the bargain, such as receiving the Sheriff’s deed of foreclosure or any redemption amount, as the case may be. Contact Agent for specific details.

Disclaimer: Maps provided by AgriData, Inc. Acre figures and field boundaries have not been verified and are subject to change.


Legal Description

The North Half of the Southeast Quarter, the South Half of the Northeast Quarter, the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, the South 12 Feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the North 12 Feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 82 North, Range 4, West of the 5th P.M., Cedar County, Iowa.


The Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter except the South 10 Acres thereof and the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter lying west of the road of Section 28, Township 82 North, Range 4, West of the 5th P.M., Cedar County, Iowa. 

Exact legal description to be taken from Abstract.


From Mechanicsville, Iowa, travel west on Highway 30 (Lincoln Highway) for 3.5 miles to Charles Avenue. Head south on Charles Avenue for 2.5 miles and the property will be located on the west side of the road.

  • MLS Number: 627780
  • Parcel Number: 0260-01-29-400-001-0, 0260-01-29-200-003-0, 0260-01-29-200-001-0, 0250-01-29-200-004-0, 0250-01-29-400-002-0, 0250-01-28-100-003-0, 0250-01-28-300-001-0
  • School District: North Cedar/Lisbon
  • General Area: Iowa City
  • Net Taxes: $4,992.00
  • CSR2: 61.70
  • Zoning: Ag

Interactive Map

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