
Burt County, NE
315.14 Acres M/L

County Rd 15
Lyons, NE 68038

Price $2,650,000
Listing #16273
Michael Gustafson


Michael Gustafson

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 605.400.1909

Property Info


Peoples Company is pleased to offer this Burt County highly productive farm ground consisting of 315.14 taxable dryland acres m/l located 2.5 miles from Lyons, NE. The farm has been in the family for three generations and was one of the first farms in the area to implement soil conservation practices in the 1950's, continued to this day. The farm consists of 313.88 farmland acres m/l per FSA (Form 156-EZ) and approximately 282 tillable acres m/l (including terraces) with the remainder in beautiful, wooded draws along streams and ponds. The farm carries a NCCPI overall rating (per Surety) of 67.9 with primary soil types of Crofton silt loam, Nora silt loam, and Alcester silty clay loam. A corn and soybean rotation has been used across this farm with a minimum/no-till farming approach. A five-year terrace reconstruction upgrade was completed in the spring of 2022. This investment provided an upgrade to the soil conservation effort that began in the 1950’s on this farm. The project also provided improved farming accessibility for today’s farm equipment.

The beautiful, wooded streams and three ponds have been preserved over time and serve as a watershed for the conservation practices during the farm’s history. The multi-year terrace project was conducted with the assistance and direction of the Burt County NRCS. Terrace drainage tile to the watershed provides water control and allows for the operation of today's farm equipment. The terraces vary in height from 3' to 6' and are populated with perennial grasses. The terrace grass provides coverage for soils but also encourages bird and wildlife habitat. The ponds have not been stocked with fish but provide local wildlife as a haven and refuge for numerous animal species. One of the streams has never stopped flowing from an underground source (to the owner's memory) even in the coldest of weather or during dry spells, a truly spectacular natural resource flowing north! The farm has seen significant wildlife including turkey, deer, and coyotes but has not been hunted by the current owner. But if you enjoy hunting after the crops are harvested, this property is for you!

The farm has a current lease for the 2023 crop season and will become available for farming in the 2024 crop year. The current lease officially ends on February 28, 2024.  Property taxes due in 2023 are $14,297.90.

Legal Description

Description: S2EXTR 21-T23N-R9E (Parcel ID 422003200)
FSA tract: 8016
Exact legal description to be determined by Title Company at closing. This brief description should not be used on legal documents.

Right of Way Easement: Burt County Public Power District of 10' on the SE4 of Section 21, Township 23 North, Range 9 East for 2,640 feet proceeding north. (2016)
Right of Way Easement: Logan East Rural Water System Improvement Project Area I.  Easement is 30ft in width SE4 of Section 21, Township 23 North, Range 9 East (1991) Contact listing agent for additional soil conservation projects and watershed configuration.


Taxable Acres: 315.14 m/l
FSA Farmland Acres: 313.88 m/l
Tillable Acres est.: 282 m/l (including terraces)
Corn: 102.09 Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 134 (per FSA)
Soybeans: 91.81 Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 41 (per FSA)



Travel two miles east from Lyons, NE on hardtop County Road RS. Travel 0.5 miles north on County Road 15. You will arrive at the SW corner of the farm.

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • Parcel Number: 422003200
  • School District: Lyons-Decatur Sch Dist 20
  • Gross Taxes: $14,297.90
  • Zoning: Ag

Additional Info

The listing agent is a minority shareholder in the property.

Interactive Map

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