
Burt County, NE
160.00 Acres M/L

County Rd T
Lyons, NE 68038

Price $1,460,000
Listing #16274
Michael Gustafson


Michael Gustafson

Office: 515.222.1347
Mobile: 605.400.1909

Property Info


Peoples Company is excited to offer this Burt County highly productive farm ground consisting of 160 dryland acres m/l located three miles east and one mile north from Lyons, NE. The farm has been in the family since the 1960's with soil conservation practices as a cornerstone in farming decisions. The farm consists of158.58 FSA cropland acres. The farmland’s NCCPI overall rating is 65.5 with primary soil types of Crofton silt loam, Nora silt loam, and Moody silty clay loam. The land is planted to corn for the 2022 crop year after five years of producing alfalfa. A terrace reconstruction upgrade was completed in 2015 to continue and improve the soil conversation of the farm. The parcel can be accessed from the west and north via gravel roads providing easy access for today’s farm equipment. The homestead was removed in several stages and was completely eliminated by 2016. The well on the homestead was professionally capped in cooperation with the NRCS during that time. 

The farm has a current lease for the 2022 crop season and will become available for farming for the 2023 crop year. The opportunity for additional 2022 income from this year’s crop is due to a flex lease addition to the cash rent contract. While the flex lease bonus is not guaranteed, a Dec 1, 2022, payout is possible if the flex lease requirements are met. The official end of the current lease is February 28, 2023.

Legal Description

Legal Description: NW4 22-T23N-R9E (Parcel ID 422000300)

FSA tract: 1079

Exact legal description is to be determined by the Title Company at closing. This brief legal description should not be used on legal documents.


FSA tract: 1079

FSA Farm Land Acres: 158.58

FSA Cropland Acres: 158.58

Corn: 101.20 Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 134 (per FSA)

Soybeans: 12 Base Acres with a PLC Yield of 41 (per FSA)


Travel three miles east out of Lyons, NE on hardtop County Road RS. Turn north for one mile on County Road 17 will bring you to the SW corner of the property.

Reserved Items

Property disclosure: "As-Is"

  • Sign On Property: Yes
  • Parcel Number: 422000300
  • School District: Lyons-Decatur Sch Dist 20
  • Gross Taxes: $6,358.50
  • Water: Well professionally capped and buried
  • Zoning: Ag

Additional Info

The listing agent is a minority shareholder in the property.

Interactive Map

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